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海洋公园是东南亚最大的海洋主题消闲中心。Ocean Park is the biggest Ocean theme in Southeast Asia.

钱德为讨准岳父欢心而陪他消闲,两人在健身房尴尬场面不断。Chandler spends time with Mr. Geller, and keeps having embarrassing moments at the gym.

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不过,有时用于消闲的积极活动产生的好处并不能马上体现出来。But sometimes the benefits of being active in your time off aren’t immediately apparent.

这种相互作用可能出现在抗逆转录病毒药物与非艾滋病治疗药物和消闲药品之间。Interactions can occur between antiretrovirals and non- HIV pharmaceutical and recreational drugs.

宽阔的浴室置有靠倚玻璃幕墙而设的宽敞浴缸,绝对消闲的焦点所在。In the spacious bathroom a deep, double-ended bathtub set against a mirrored wall is the main focus.

此机是目前国内生产“蛋黄派”“消闲派”蛋糕中的最先进设备。It is the most advanced facilities in the domestic manufacture of Yolk Group and leisure Group cake.

今年,希尔顿还打出了“消闲”的口号,它们添置了一些叫做“希尔顿休息间”的房间。This year, Hilton also played the "leisure" slogan, they acquired some called "Hilton rest of the" rooms.

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到戏楼看戏更多是一种对于戏的玩味和生活的消闲。Sees a play many to the stage platform is one kind regarding play's pondering with life whiling away the time.

无论您是到此公干或度假消闲,都会受到专业体贴的接待。Whether you are here for business or for leisure, our professionally-trained staff are always there to serve you.

上面也有一些消闲照片,其中之一是他穿着棒球服正在用捕手手套抓向棒球。It also has photos from playful times, like ones of him wearing a baseball uniform and catching a ball with a mitt.

太好了!我希望在海边多呆一段时间。我很喜欢在海里游泳,在海边消闲。Wonderful! I hope we will stay longer at the seashore. I real- ly like swimming in the sea and relaxing at the beach.

在英文中,"公园"是指有林地、花草和弯曲小径的供人消闲的环境。A park, by the common English definition, is an environment with woodlands, flowers, and winding paths where one goes for recreation.

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在虚拟世界,我们只想在消闲时,找几位志趣相投的网友,学些有用的东西。In the virtual world, we just want to find some online friends with common interests and learn some useful things during our leisure.

历史文化旅游是一种特殊类型的旅游活动,不同于一般的风景观光游、消闲购物游。The history and culture tourism is a special tourism, being different from the common tourism such as scenic tourism or shopping tourism.

大众文化是同传统的精英文化相区别的,其娱乐、消闲、商业性的功能大大强化,而认识教育和审美的功能相对弱化。The culture of masses is different from that of traditional elite, and its function of entertainment, pastime and commerce is greatly strengthened.

酒店同时为消闲旅客提供一应俱全的康娱设施,包括游泳池、健身中心和娱乐室等。For the leisure travellers, the hotel will also provide a complete range of recreational facilities including swimming pool, gymnasium and game rooms.

第五章着力于分析这些读物在晚明特殊的文化背景下所彰显出的消闲性与通俗性特点。In 5th chapter, the idyllic and popular characteristic of leisure literature books was analyzed in the special cultural background of late Ming dynasty.

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在30年代,商业化助长了左翼文学的繁荣,推动了进步文学的发展,还直接促成海派文学特别是消闲性文学的产生与繁荣。So in the 1930s, commercialization helps with the prosperity of the leftist literature, and the Shanghai literature, particularly the leisure literature.

纺织服装类、鞋类、办公与箱包及消闲用品类、医药及医疗保健类、食品及土特产品类。Textiles & Garments, Shoes, Office Supplies, Cases & Bags, and Recreation Products, Medicines, Medical Devices and Health Products, Food & Native Produce.

其中,包括地文旅游景观类、水域风光类、生物景观类、古迹与建筑类、消闲求知类及购物类。It includes geographical landscape, water scenery, biological landscape, historic interest and ancient buildings, cultural tourism resource and tourism shopping.