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他总是很自以为是。He is always pontifical.

你自以为是老几?。Who do you think you are?

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没有人会喜欢一个自以为是的人。Nobody likes a smart arse.

他是一个自以为是的家伙。He is a self-righteous prig.

他是一个自以为是的家夥。He is a self-righteous prig.

他自以为是地说他是个大人物。He smart-assed he was a big man.

他自以为是诸葛亮。He thought he was a Zhu Geliang.

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自以为是的家伙们,时间是站在我们这边的。Time is on our side, whippersnappers.

知道吗,有时你太自以为是了。You know, sometimes you’re too proud.

你现在自以为是幽默家吗?Are you setting up as a humourist now?

忽然察觉到自己经常自以为是。Suddenly aware of his often self-righteous.

两个人都太要强,都太自以为是!Two men are too strong, too self-righteous!

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亨利很快意识到自己太过自以为是。Henry soon realized he had outsmarted himself.

“你可真够自以为是的,”金龟子大叫。"How conceited you are!" exclaimed the beetle.

我拒绝与自以为是的电话作斗争。I refused to fight further with the smug phone.

其实这也是自以为是的一种表现。In fact, it's also a kind of self-righteousness.

愚蠢的美国佬,不要自以为是了。Stupid yanks, don't think so highly of yourself.

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不要过于自信,自以为是。Don't be so cocksure and take things for granted.

切不可自以为是。One should never be presumptuous and opinionated.

动摇我自以为是的躯壳?Vacillates body which I think oneself infallible?