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我可以请教大家脚脖子是指脚踝吗?。I think he meant the ankle.

他又伸下手去搔一搔脚脖子。I tickled him with a feather.

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刚才彼得扭伤了脚脖子。Peter sprained hi ankle just now.

刚才彼得扭伤了脚脖子。Peter sprained his ankle just now.

他踢足球时扭伤了脚脖子。He sprained his ankle when playing football.

蚊子们把我的脚脖子当作加油站。Mosquitos are using my ankle for filling station.

蚊子们把我的脚脖子当作加油站。Mosquitoes were using my ankles for filling stations.

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我昨天打篮球时扭伤了脚脖子。I sprained my ankle when playing basketball yesterday.

他企图跃过栏杆,但他没跳好,扭伤了他的脚脖子。He tried to jump over the rail,but he botched it and twisted his ankle.

③我昨天把脚脖子崴了,今天不能陪你晨练了。I sprained my ankle yesterday, so I can't go with you for morning exercises.

当土埋到他们脚脖子的时候,那个姑娘开始唱歌。I threw in the dirt. When it was up to their ankles , that girl started to sing.

这阵子咳嗽,直叫他静脉贲张,脚脖子也刺痒起来。His veins had swelled with the effort of the cough, and the varicose ulcer had started itching.

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我一直喜欢棉的牛仔裤。它们缩水很厉害,松松地吊在脚脖子上方。I always have had luck with cotton jeans. They shrink so much that they end up around my ankles.

最不专业并且最无礼的姿势是把你的一条腿或者脚脖子放在另一个膝盖的上头。The least professional and most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of your other knee.

我们直塞得脚脖子鼓鼓囊囊,旁人见了我们这群人的样子,或许要疑心正在爆发象皮病呢。We stuffed our ankles with contraband until anyone seeing us might have imagined an outbreak of elephantiasis.

这些幼苗是他第二次播种的,往年这时候应该到膝盖高了,可现在小得才到脚脖子。The seedlings, puny and ankle high when they should be knee high by this time of year, are his second planting.

当我扭了脚脖子时,我的邻居不厌其烦地帮助我。她帮我购买所有的物品并天天帮我去遛狗。My neighbour was a good Samaritan when I sprained my ankle. She did all my shopping and took the dog for a walk every day.

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从腰至脚脖子的紧身裤,有带子穿过脚背,尤盛行于9世纪。通常用复数。Tight trousers extending from waist to ankle with straps passing under the instep, worn especially in the 9th century. Often used in the plural.

紧身裤从腰至脚脖子的紧身裤,有带子穿过脚背,尤盛行于19世纪。Tight trousers extending from waist to ankle with straps passing under the instep, worn especially in the19th century. Often used in the plural.

紧身裤从腰至脚脖子的紧身裤,有带子穿过脚背,尤盛行于19世纪。通常用复数。Tight trousers extending from waist to ankle with straps passing under the instep, worn especially in the19th century. Often used in the plural.