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嗯,差不多一样。Well, about the same.

我想和这里差不多。Similar to here I gue.

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我已经拼得差不多了。I've gotten pretty far.

我就差不多是D70一年机主喇…I am using D70 for a year.

其实去角质的都差不多。In fact, almost all scrub.

这差不多就是个大笑话。It was kind of a big joke.

他的咳嗽差不多全好了。His cough was nearly cured.

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这尺码差不多。This is about the right size.

你的西服已差不多穿旧了。Your suit is almost worn out.

那个人就差不多是魔怪。This man was almost a monster.

我们的时间差不多过了一半了,有什么问题么?About half the time. Questions?

他已走了差不多10英里。He has walked almost ten miles.

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一套西装差不多1000美元以下。Suits under a thousand dollars.

香蕉差不多成黄颜色了。The bananas were almost yellow.

差不多一丝风也没有。There's hardly a breath of air.

我差不多炖了五六个小时。I am almost 56 hours of stewing.

左内机轮差不多更换了。Almost replaced left inside tire.

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我必须赢得差不多所有的黑人选票才行。I had to have nearly all of them.

差不多都有是吧Most of you have roommates right?

这差不多就是本学期的内容。So that's basically the semester.