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这些是州是他们拼杀的“战场”。These are the "battleground" states.

我希望在旁边有个同在战场上拼杀过的哥们聊聊天。I want to have an American GI to talk with.

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听着,兄弟们,将狼聚集,我们精骑着它们拼杀于战场!Hear me Brothers gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.

我们互相尊重,并肩作战。在战场上拼杀了整整两年。With all due respect, we've been fighting side by side in the field for two years.

回到英格兰,也有几名蓝军的年轻人正拼杀于英冠联赛。Back in England there are a number of young Blues plying their trade at Championship level.

我希望他们都知道公牛来自哪里,今天的荣誉经历了怎样的拼杀。I didn’t want them to misunderstand where the Bulls came from and how hard the fight was to get there.

在工作日里,你在办公桌后拼杀,在寝室的庇护下投射电子邮箭。During the week, you fight your battles behind a desk, slinging e-mail arrows from the safety of your cubicle.

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黑暗的世界里,到处都可见狼人与吸血鬼在血腥的嘶咬和拼杀中嚎叫、死去。The dark world, everywhere in the foreseeable werewolves and vampires Sima bite and bloody fight in Howl, died.

被命令和自己最喜欢的人两两分组,再命令组里的两人互相拼杀,只能一人生还。Were ordered to choose their favorite one into a group, re-order group of the two to fight each other, only one survived.

在基辛格的描述中,通常中国在与对手进行较量时,心理战的运用不少于战场上真刀真枪的拼杀。More often than not, Kissinger's China plays as many games in the minds of its adversaries as it does on the battlefields.

袁春梅不愿意继续在后方做一些文职工作,她更愿意上战场上与日本人拼杀。Chun-mei yuan is not willing to continue to do some clerical work in rear, she prefer to fight Japanese on the battlefield.

有勇有谋的你将会成为一朝之主,率领着旗下数万精兵一起拼杀战场。There are prudent you will be once the owners, led by the tens of thousands of its elite fighting on the battlefield together.

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我不受当今中外卖座的美女与怪兽,刀光剑影的拼杀和战争血腥场面的左右。I do not influenced by today's domestic and foreign box-office beauties and monsters, swords of flame and war and bloody scenes.

我想桑普拉斯不会重新复出,又一次拼杀在四分之一赛场上,仅仅为了可以再次听到掌声。I suspect I won't see Sampras coming out of retirement to struggle to one more quarterfinal, just so he can hear applause again.

反之,双方拼杀与娱乐软件产业是货币化的新途径,在其产品的极大兴趣。Instead, both entertainment and software industries are grappling with new ways to monetize tremendous interest in their products.

我想我还能在网坛再拼杀几年,因为我感觉现在在场上我没有费太大的力气,一般打得都很放松。I feel I can play this game for many years to come because I feel like I don't use too much energy out on the court because I play very relaxed.

其中有一女人忽然挣脱隋朝士兵的看管,抢过一把长剑奋力拼杀,最后依然没有冲出重围。One of the woman suddenly from the sui dynasty soldiers custody, grab a sword, and finally to the roma is still not out of the tight encirclement.

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现在,新一轮的拼杀正在酝酿,学弟学妹们意气风发地走向战场。Now, new round go all out kill brewing, learn younger brother to learn younger sister people ground of high-spirited and vigorous moves toward battlefield.

作为清王朝的守护人,逆历史清流而动,最终沦为王权倾轧拼杀的殉葬品。As the shield of the Qing dynasty, he doesn't keep abreast with the trend of the history and ends up with being the victim in the dispute of imperial power.

特里斯坦急遽经秘道返回城堡里,在一番拼杀中杀死了维克特里德,及时制止了维克特里德为敌人打开城堡大门。Tristan rushed back to the castle by way of the secret passageway and killed Wictred in combat in time to stop him from opening the castle gates to the enemy.