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在痛苦中长吁短叹,日益憔悴。Feeling it break, with bleeding groans they pine.

你长吁短叹,翻来复去,试图能够入睡。You sigh, toss and turn, and try to get to sleep.

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他长吁短叹,对自己的过失懊悔不已。He tossed about in bed, moaning and groaning from time to time.

“神马都是浮云”的意思是什么都不值得一提,长吁短叹的抱怨之意。Therefore, this sentence means "It's not even worth mentioning".

他还对春月未能给她生个孙子而常常长吁短叹。He also dwelt on the failure of Spring Moon to give her a grandson.

是你让我心烦意乱,费心选戒,对着月亮长吁短叹。You got me chasin' rabbits, pickin' out rings and Howlin' At The Moon.

是你让我心烦意乱,咬碎钢牙,对着月亮长吁短叹。You got me chasin' Rabbits, spittin' out teeth and Howlin' At The Moon.

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是你让我心烦意乱,手足无措,对着月亮长吁短叹。You got me chasin' rabbits, walkin' on my hands and howlin' at the moon.

忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔,长吁短叹。Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and some sighing deeply.

他忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹。Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.

喜庆的圣诞夜,三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了,剩下父亲在长吁短叹。Happy Christmas Eve, three girls early in the Kangshang to sleep curled up, leaving the father in sigh deeply.

忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹。允潜步窥立,乃府中歌姬貂禅也。In the silence he heard moans and sighs near the Peony Pavilion. Stealing over, he discovered the singing girl, Diaochan.

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忽闻有人在牡丹亭畔长吁短叹。允潜步窥立,乃府中歌姬貂禅也。In the muffle he heard moans and sighs approximate the Peony Pavilion. Stealing over, he discovered the singing girl, Diaochan.

当所有人举杯交错的时候,宰相发现有一个谋士很奇怪,他坐在位子上一言不发,时不时的还发出长吁短叹。When all people at the dinner were toasting and cheering the minister found that one of his advisers behaved abnormally. He sat there without any words, moaned and groaned from time to time.