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另外,还分析了排气孔口瞬时速度的影响因素,对瞬时速度进行了计算。In addition, the instantaneous velocity is calculated, and its influencing factors are analyzed.

但德布罗意曾说过,波长是和瞬时速度相联系的,通过这个公式。But de Broglie has told us that the wavelength is related to the instant velocity through this formula.

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那个极限也就是一个矢量,我们称之为瞬时速度,并且它总是和轨迹相切的That limit will be some arrow we can call the velocity at the time and it will always be tangent to the curve.

对于一定马力的发动机来说,单气缸发动机需要较大的飞轮来保持其瞬时速度的变化。For an engine of a given horsepower, single cylinder engines require large flywheels to keep the momentary speed variations.

实验结果表明,该同步瞬时速度辨识的方法和控制方案具有良好的速度辨识性能和控制效果。The results show that the control scheme and identification method are of better speed identification performances and control effects.

设计了一套采用光电开关测量高速列车进出隧道瞬时速度的实验装置。An experimental unit for measuring instantaneous speed of high speed train passing through tunnel with a photoelectrical switch is designed.

现在明白了吗,t时刻,的瞬时速度是怎样定义的,与两时刻间的平均速度相比,瞬时速度并不一样。And now you will understand how we define the instantaneous velocity at time t which is different from an average velocity between two time intervals.

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另一类流速计的典型代表是转子流速计。这种仪器的工作原理是气流使一指针偏转,指示出瞬时速度值。An example of another type of anemometer in which the airstream displaces an indicator giving an instantaneous reading of velocity or flowrate is the rotameter.

依据牛顿第二定律列出运动微分方程式,解方程式并求得计算瞬时速度的公式。On the basis of Newton's second Law, a motion differential equation has been put forward, by which a formula to calculating instantaneous velocity has been obtained.

本文将基于PXI总线的虚拟仪器技术和激光多普勒测速仪引入到自动机原动件的瞬时速度测量系统当中。This paper introduce technical of virtual instrumentation based on PXI bus and laser Doppler velocity for the instantaneous velocity measuring of automatic mechanisms.

利用GPS技术调查了宁波市不同道路汽车行驶工况,记录了实际道路汽车行驶瞬时速度的大量数据。Driving patterns on different roads were investigated in Ningbo city using advanced instruments GPS. A large amount of testing data of speed were obtained under real road conditions.

利用IFA300型二维恒温热线风速仪系统对双旋流气体燃烧器模型的冷态流场进行了实验研究,测量了流场内不同位置瞬时速度分布及湍流强度特性。An experimental study was conducted of the cold-state flow field of a dual swirl gas burner model through the use of an IFA300 type two-dimensional constant-temperature hot-wire anemometer system.

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这就得靠微积分了,通过了解它现在的位置,和一小段时间以后的位置,计算它们的比,再让时间间隔尽可能缩短,我们就定义了一个,被我们称之为瞬时速度的物理量That is the whole triumph of calculus is to know that by looking at the position now, the position slightly later and taking the ratio and bringing later as close as possible to right now, we define a quantity that we can say is the velocity at this instant.

在图上的任意一点,你可以进行求导,得到曲线上每一点的切线斜率,所得到的数值,即为该点处的瞬时速度,然后你再求一次导,得出它的加速度At any point on the graph you can take the derivative, which will be tangent to the curve at each point, and its numerical value will be what you can call the instantaneous velocity of that point and you can take the derivative over the derivative and call it the acceleration.