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本发明公开了处理荆芥油的方法。Disclosed are methods for treating catmint oil.

目的探讨荆芥炭的最佳炮制程度。OBJECTIVE Study on the best processing degree of carbonized catnip.

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荆芥株高、茎径变化动态,根、茎、叶、穗干重积累动态均呈不同特征的“S”形曲线。The dry weights of root, stem, leaf and spike coubld be described as S curves either.

结果荆芥炒炭后鞣质含量增高,止血和凝血作用显著增强。RESULTS Carbonized catnip had higher content of tannin, and reinforced hemostasia and cruor effects.

目的观察荆芥酯类成分对急性炎症的影响。OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of Herba Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae lipids on acute inflammation of mice.

三个不同海拔的直齿荆芥之叶片厚度在生长季里有明显的变动。Remarkable fluctuations were noticed in leaf thickness at the three altitudes during the growing period.

本文研究从荆芥穗中提取回收聚苯乙烯所需的柠檬烯,其方法是溶剂萃取。Limonene needed in recycling foamed polystyrene was extracted from the ear of schizonepeta tenuifolia using ligroin.

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在直齿荆芥植物的营养生长期,生长于1,760公尺处的植株明显小于位于较低海拔生长者。During the whole vegetative period, plants at 1,760 m were significantly shorter than plants at the lower elevations.

目的荆芥不同粒径粉体的解热镇痛作用的比较研究。Objective To compare the effects of powders with different diameters of schizonepeta on anti-pyretic and analgesic effects.

结论荆芥连翘汤预防性治疗,可以显著减轻急性放射性皮炎的严重程度,值得进一步深入研究。Conclusion The preventive treatment with JJLQT can significantly reduce the severity of acute radiation dermatitis, which is worth further study.

目的建立测定荆芥穗挥发油中薄荷酮、胡薄荷酮的含量测定方法。OBJECTIVE To establish the method for determining the contents of menthone and P-menthone in the volatile oil of Spica Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae.

目的采用水蒸气蒸馏法从荆芥中提取挥发油。Objective The essential oils from Nepeta cataria L. were extracted by steam distillation. Methods The chemical constituents were analyzed by GC-MS.

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方法对不同炮制程度的荆芥炭的性状、鞣质的含量、止血作用、凝血作用进行比较。METHODS Make a comparison of properties, content of tannin, hemostasia effect, and cruor effect between different processing grade carbonized catnip.

结论荆芥-防风挥发油成分数目大致是单味药荆芥和防风的加和,但主要来自荆芥。CONCLUSION The number of volatile components in HS-RL, mainly from that of single herb HS, was almost equal to the sum of the number in the two single herbs.

感冒流行期间可服用荆芥、防风、板蓝根、生甘草等配成的中药,以减少发病机会。Cold popular period may take the nepeta japonica, windproof , Cusae, the fresh licorice and so on traditional Chinese medicine which matches, reduces the morbidity opportunity.

大概因这个缘故吧,青海人常常在熬煎的茯茶中,放入适量花椒、生姜、荆芥、薄荷等,茶色红艳清彻,其味辛香兼备,妙不可言。Probably because of this because of it, often in the torture of Qinghai Fu tea, into the amount of pepper, ginger, Nepeta, mint, brown Hongyan Qingche, both the Hong Weixin, fantastic.

结论热水加荆芥末泡足发汗解表降温容易掌握发汗程度,且疗效快、无不良反应。Conclusion It was easy to manage the sudation level by immersing foot with immersing feet in hot water with Jingjie to induce sweat. The effectiveness was satisfactory without side effects.