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汤姆不愿意坐以待毙。Tom would not await his doom.

所以说,坐以待毙是极其危险的,即使你得病的几率不高也不例外。So doing nothing is risky, even if the odds are low.

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不过,这并不意味着广东省正在坐以待毙。But that doesn’t mean Guangdong Province is sitting idle.

现在已经到了2010年底,而我们仍旧还在坐以待毙。And so here we are, with 2010 almost over and nothing resolved.

我倒不妨一试,如果什么都不做,我就会坐以待毙I might as well -if I don't do anything, i'm going to lose anyway.

有钱的精英们在捍卫他们的利益时决不会坐以待毙。Moneyed elites are no slouches when it comes to defending their interests.

国恨家仇满襟怀,伍子胥可不愿坐以待毙。Country full of open-minded hatred of hate at home, Wu may not want to sit still.

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还有,当然,微软发出这些挑战时谷歌不会静静地坐以待毙。And, of course, Google won't be sitting idly as Microsoft addresses those challenges.

我们正坐以待毙,一颗小游星会随时随地撞击地球。We are sitting ducks in a celestial shooting gallery, an asteroid might strike at any time.

当自己的国家在全球金融风暴中飘摇时,冰岛人几乎不会坐以待毙。Icelanders are hardly sitting idle as their country is slammed by the global financial hurricane.

变革的年代,因循守旧只能坐以待毙,要生存必须破旧立新。Changing time, lockstep can await one's doom, should live must destroy the old and establish the new.

但在那几十年中,质疑恐龙与鸟类紧密关联的研究者们并没有坐以待毙,他们也通过解剖很好的论证了自己的观点。Still, over the decades researchers who doubted the dinosaur-bird link also made good anatomical arguments.

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所以信念很重要,我们要摆脱那种认为癌症无药可医、只能坐以待毙的想法。So awareness -- getting rid of the myth that cancer kills and you can do nothing about it -- is really important.

我告诉犹尼亚的长官,我们需要重新修建城墙和神殿,我们决不能就这样坐以待毙。I told the officials of Judah that we needed to start building the wall and the temple so they do not lie in waste forever.

相比之下,法属波利尼西亚群岛和其他太平洋岛屿上的人们只有眼巴巴地坐以待毙,不知道汹涌的海浪何时袭来。S. , people in French Polynesia and other Pacific Islands have to wait and wait, without knowing what is about to hit them.

可是海星已今非昔比,岂会坐以待毙,林大要踩下海星,海星又何尝不想把海氏集团夺回。But would not already no longer. Starfish instead, Linda want on the starfish, starfish and would put heidegger's group back.

想到医院里与川军打起来的那些人,猜测可能是其他组织的人员,简怡觉得不能坐以待毙,她决定主动去联系他们。Think of the hospital and rhubarb those people fighting, may is the personnel of other organizations, JianYi felt she couldnt.

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在沉船时刻逃生时,他积极的找出口,不坐以待毙,而是积极的创造可能,勇敢机智。Time to escape the wreck, he actively looking for export, is not standing still, but may create a positive, brave and resourceful.

我们需要增加援助同时也要让他们自助,让他们在自己已受严重破坏的国家坐以待毙显然不能自助。We must increase aid but also allow Haitians to help themselves, and there is no way they can do that sitting in a devastated nation.

想到老田又要去医院照顾田光明,佟林还要收废品,佟美觉得自己不能再这样坐以待毙。Think of Mr. Tian and went to the hospital to take care of guang-ming tian, Lin tung recyclers, tong mei feel cant again so doing nothing.