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何维健将在新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对上演出!Derrick Hoh will perform in Singapore e-Awards 2011!

因此,我们的领导今天晚上举行了一场庆功晚宴。So our leaders hold a celebratory dinner this evening.

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齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun.

不管多么小,我都会为我今天的成功庆功。No matter how small, I will celebrate my successes today.

史蒂夫打开几瓶香槟酒庆功。Steve uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement.

何维健将在新加坡e乐大赏2011庆功派对上演出!Google Money System Derrick Hoh will perform in Singapore e-Awards 2011!

候选人是否会让得胜者无法享受选举夜的庆功欢乐?Will the candidate deny the winner a triumphant election-night celebration?

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2004年夺金后,在香港的一场庆功会上,刘翔还为“翔迷”一展歌喉。On a victory lap through Hong Kong after his 2004 win, he sang for adoring fans.

2008年奥运会庆功酒“酒鬼”等就封存于此。The ceremony was the 2008 Olympic Games wine "drunkard" and so on in this archive.

齐威王松了一口气,十分满意淳于髡的表现,并决定设宴为他庆功。The king of Qi was released and pleased with Chunyu Kun. He set a banquet for celebration.

伦敦的一个庆功午宴上给以电影界传奇人物迈克尔·科恩荣誉。Michael Caine has been honoured by the British movie industry at a tribute lunch in London.

朋友是一个商务午餐,带给用户完美的地方吃饭,或一轮庆功酒。Amici is the perfect place to bring a client for a business lunch, dinner, or a round of celebratory libations.

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为“高水平,有特色”的北京2008年奥运会献上一樽樽庆功酒。So let's join together and offer celebration wine for the high-level and distinctive Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

在完成Boston马拉松之后,大多数跑步者是上馆子,饮几杯庆功酒。Most runners follow up their Boston Marathon finishes with a few celebratory beverages and a nice restaurant meal.

当年,平昌酒有过为浴血奋战的英勇红军伤员消毒疗伤,胜利庆功的光荣历史。Pingchang liquor had the glorious history of being used by The Red Army Men for disinfection, treatment and victory.

他俩每天追踪着对方的经营状况,每当有顾客选择自己的店子时候都是庆功式的幸灾乐祸。Each spent his days tracking the other's business, and gloating triumphantly each time a customer chose his own store.

“我还是不明白,他们为什么把我排在第二”柳金在赛后庆功会上说,“我认为裁判更喜欢她”"I still don't know how they broke the tie, " Liukin said after the medal ceremony. "I guess one judge liked her better.

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更是会在奥斯卡的庆功晚宴上成为高频词汇,被提名只是一项成就。And in what will surely be an often-used phrase at tonight's Oscar after-parties, it is an achievement just to be nominated.

更是会在奥斯卡的庆功晚宴上成为高频词汇,被提名只是一项成就。And in what will surely be an often-used phrase at tonight’s Oscar after-parties, it is an achievement just to be nominated.

孟庆功同志的书法,运笔圆润流畅、浑厚蕴藉、大气磅礴。Comrade the Meng Qinggong calligraphy, wields the pen clearly smooth, vigorous reserved and refined, the atmosphere boundless.