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我把暖气开小些,好吗?Shall I turn the heating down?

清洁或更换暖气过滤网。Clean or replace furnace filters.

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如果房间里太热,把暖气关小点。If a room gets too warm, turn down the heat.

暖气从水里噗噗地冒了出来。The warm gases bubbled up through the water.

满头银发的男人围坐在煤油暖气机。Silver-headed men sit around kerosene heaters.

如果你冻着了,可以到休息室里,那里提供暖气。If you get too chilly, there is a warming lobby.

上升暖气流是由于受热而上升的气流。Thermals are rising air currents caused by heat.

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悬挂式滑翔机借着暖气流在高空飞行。Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft.

那是电扇、冷气或是暖气机的声音。It was the fan, air conditioner, or heater sound.

有没有足够照明、暖气或通风设备?Have they adequate lighting, heating & ventilation?

那个小孩一摸到暖气便缩回了。The baby flinched when he touched the hot radiator.

高天滚滚寒流急,大地微微暖气吹。On the vast earth warm winds gradually growing high.

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那本杂志论及所有暖气装置。That magazine covers all kinds of heating apparatuses.

我们的暖气机坏了。没有暖气出来。Our heater doesn't work. There is no warm air coming out.

这个暖气系统有自动温控装置。This heating system has an automatic temperature control.

这良好的房子有暖气,中央空调和安全系统。This well-built house has FA, CAC, and a security system.

汽车附件包括暖气装置和立体声收音机。Acessories for the car include a heater and a stereo radio.

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如果店暖气有开著,他们两个就会在电暖器前面排排坐。If the heater is on, they would lay in front of the heater.

汽车附件包括暖气装置和立体声收音机。Accessories for the car include a heater and a stereo radio.

你住惯了冬天没有暖气的房子吗?。Are you used to the room that does not have heat in winter ?