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但是托马斯没有提及。But not with Mr Thomas.

而人们所提及的均值是指什么呢?But what do people mean by mean?

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我为什么要提及这些往事?Why do I mention all this stuff?

让我特别提及其中两份。Let me mention two in particular.

罗韩的名字并未被提及。Lohan's name was never mentioned.

提及你想怀孕的兴趣。Mention your interest in pregnancy.

当提及到,圣希尔皇学院。Turning to , San gil Royal College.

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发言人提及一则声明。The spokesman adverted to a statement.

这就是为什么当值议员经常提及!This is why DRMs frequently refer to !

一共有三种维度需要提及。And there're three I want to deal with.

在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。Grant and Lee are bracketed in history.

他也没有提及定居点问题。He also made no mention of settlements.

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提及不可度量的,他们意指无条件的,绝对的。By immeasurable they mean unconditional.

他克制自己,不再提及此事。He forbears to mention the matter again.

沈星向艾米提及了陈研。ShenXing to Amy mentioned Chen research.

保罗在第17节提及的亚基布究竟是谁?Who was Archippus, mentioned in verse 17?

一提及她的名字,他的脸明显变得煞白。He paled visibly at the mention of her name.

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当然,这些广告也提及了英特尔公司。And of course, most of the ads mention Intel.

他提及,目前他的学校使用的是最先进的校车。They really use state-of-the-art school busses.

圣经中经常提及星占术。Astrology is mentioned all throughout the Bible.