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我们用植物油煮菜。We use vegetable oil to cook.

我们用植物油烧菜。We use vegetable oil for cooking.

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她使用植物油煎鱼。She uses vegetable oil for frying fish.

略过玉米油和纯植物油。Skip the corn oil and pure vegetable oil.

植物油从古以来就为人们所熟悉。Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity.

寻找植物油125克沙丁鱼。Looking for sardines in vegetable oil 125 gr.

植物油比动物油更有益于健康。Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.

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植物油从古以来就为人们所熟悉。Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity 52.

作为替代,可使用植物油、红花油或花生油。Instead, use vegetable, safflower or peanut oil.

而该植物油可以用来治疗耳朵的感染。Mullein oil can be used to treat ear infections.

易溶于水、植物油和正己烷。Well soluble in water, hexane and vegetable oils.

用植物油代替黄油也一样。It's okay to substitute vegetable oil for butter.

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植物油易消化而矿物油则不然。Vegetable oil is digestible and mineral oil is not.

小麦胚芽油是一种未经提炼的天然植物油。Wheat germ oil is unrefined vegetable oils, natural.

易溶于水、植物油和正己烷。It is well soluble in water, hexane and vegetable oils.

溴化植物油是在制造饮料调味剂时使用的食物添加剂。BVO is a food additive used in flavouring for beverages.

大豆纤维,植物油,淀粉,素食调味料。Soya Bean Fibre, Vegetable Oil, Starch, Vegetarian Seasoning.

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大豆蛋白,面筋,淀粉,植物油,素食调味料。I. S. P. , Gluten, Starch, Vegetable Oil, Vegetable Seasoning.

红花籽油是一种优质食用植物油。Safflower seed oil is a kind of high quality edible plant oil.

植物油是由植物通过利用阳光、水、二氧化碳而形成的。Vegetable oil is generated from sunlight, H2O, and CO2 by plants.