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这是表白爱情还是尽义务?Is this love, or obligation?

为你的国家尽义务。Do your duty to your country.

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她总是滔滔不绝地谈尽义务。She's always on about doing one's duty.

我们必须对我们的父母尽义务。We must perform our duty to our parents.

我不想让他为了尽义务而跟我结婚。I don't want him to marry me out of obligation.

不要背弃自己必须尽义务支持的团体。Never desert a group to which you owe your support.

“要求尽义务的呼声就具备了法律的权威。”可否,请指示!The voice of duty now speaks with the authority of law.

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她气消了。他要求她尽尽义务,至少是要求她尽一种她应尽的义务。That mollified her , his calling on her duties , one of them at least.

一个两岁的女孩死了,让人们进一步意识到应尽义务的意义。It took the death of a two-year-old girl to bring greater awareness to what it means to do the right thing.

不作为犯是指行为人在能够履行其应尽义务的情况下,不履行该义务而构成的犯罪。Negative crime is a kind of crime committed by one who fails to fulfill his obligation when he is capable of doing that.

但是如果我们仅仅因为尽义务做了这件事,这件事所带的能量特质就转变了,从几乎满溢出来愿与人分享到消耗殆尽。But when these are done out of a sense of obligation, their energy changes from something that shares to something that drains.

“我不能替你办任何事,”德伐日固执地回答,我只对我的国家和人民尽义务,我发过誓要为他们工作,反对你们。I will do, ' Defarge doggedly rejoined, 'nothing for you. My duty is to my country and the People . I am the sworn servant of both, against you.

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白宫说,奥巴马总统谴责北韩炮击韩国延坪岛以及无视其应尽义务而开展铀浓缩项目。Obama has condemned the North Korean shelling of Yeonpyeong Island and its pursuit of a uranium enrichment program in defiance of its obligations.

父母可能因为没有尽义务给孩子施洗,没有尽义务用神的话语教育孩子,导致影响了孩子的一生,使孩子一生处于不信中,并且永久下地狱。Parents can influence their children for a life of unbelief and an eternity in hell by failing in their duty to baptize them and instruct them in God's Word.

离婚的当事人一方不按照离婚协议履行应尽义务的,另一方可向人民法院提起民事诉讼。The divorce where a party failed to perform in accordance with the divorce agreement should do one's duty, other one party can to people court to lodge a civil action.

我尽义务般地参观了半空中连接双塔的“天桥”,又欣赏了一番清净整洁的天然公园,逛了逛装有空调的购物大厦。I dutifully visit the buildings' "skybridge", the mid-air walkway connecting the two, and wander through immaculately landscaped parks and air-conditioned shopping malls.

原来那时在他面前的,是使他入于出神状态的严肃的宗教,以及宗教所要求的一种更高的法律,因而他又重新听见对儿孙应尽义务的教义了。The stern religion with which he was enraptured , its insistence upon a higher law, was there, and he heard again the precepts which had helped to bind him to his own children.

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坦白说,如果我们已经有科学证据来证实,正是一些心智不健全的疯子在经营着华尔街和华府,以上所说的只是我们应尽义务的一小部分,而我们真正应该做的还有更多。Frankly, if we have scientific proof that the inmates are running the Wall Street and Washington asylums, this is the least we should do — and we really should do a whole lot more.

几十年来,政府官员们拒绝对这些贫民窟尽义务,然后当贩毒团伙建起了武器库,警察想兵不血刃地进入就更加困难了。For decades, government officials refused to take responsibility for the slums, and as drug gangs built caches of weapons it became harder for the police to enter without a firefight.

克林顿说,有北韩、韩国、中国、俄罗斯、日本和美国参加的六方会谈“不能取代北韩采取履行其应尽义务的行动”。The Six-Party Talks, involving North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Japan and the United States, “cannot substitute for action by North Korea to comply with its obligations,” Clinton said.