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自治领的兴起。The growth of dominions.

现在我将真事指示你,波斯还有三王兴起,第四王必富足远胜诸王。And now will I shew thee the truth.

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现在人们当中兴起了一种新思潮。There is a new spirit rising in men.

碑文兴起于秦。Inscription originated in Qin Dynasty.

公众外交在中国勃然兴起。Public diplomacy is thriving in China.

一个建设的新高潮正在兴起。The new railway is under construction.

我为了你而兴起,我为了你而独自沉落。For thee I rose, now descend all alone.

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现在电视购物在欧洲兴起。Now teleshopping is starting in Europe.

兴起与电视类型的兴起The rise and rise of a television genre.

先是在19世纪50年代兴起了淘金热,You first had the gold rush in the 1850s

牧师、长老和执事是怎样兴起的呢?How do pastors, elders and deacons arise?

求你兴起,不要永远丢弃我们。Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever.

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伟大变革的契机正在兴起。A great opportunity for change has arisen.

直到明代少林僧兵的的兴起。Ming Shaolin monk soldiers until the rise.

访古兴起,我们又去了刘秀洞。Cuba is arisen, we went to the Liu Xiudong.

这是一个对一时兴起说“好的”的好时节。It's a good time to answer "yes" on a whim.

当时的人们更喜欢跳新兴起的双人舞。Dancers liked the new couple dancing better.

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这种平行世界确实在悄然兴起。Such a parallel universe is indeed emerging.

茶让英帝国兴起,也让英帝国衰落。Tea raised and destroyed the English Empire.

4-2-3-1的兴起已经产生了连锁反应。The rise of 4-2-3-1 has had knock-on effects.