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孩子们都像是迷惑不解。The children looked puzzled.

爱丽丝感到迷惑不解。Alice was thoroughly puzzled.

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这个问题使我迷惑不解。Eg This problem perplexes me.

我对发生的事十分迷惑不解。I'm quite mystified about what happened.

他拒绝我的建议使我迷惑不解。It baffled me that he rejected my offer.

他张着嘴迷惑不解地看着我。He looked at me in open-mouthed bewilderment.

我对所发生的事压根儿迷惑不解。I'm completely mystified about what happened.

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看到他迷惑不解的脸,我又好气又好笑。Looking at his confused face, I felt annoyed.

使他们迷惑不解的,我可以断定,是我的克制。What puzzles them, I can tell, is my control.

首先,为什么每个人都喜欢教授,这令乔迷惑不解。Why everybody liked him was what puzzled Jo, at first.

这个问题确实很难,连老师都迷惑不解。This problem is hard enough to perplex even the teacher.

“他还跟我说话来着,”她又说,带着迷惑不解的神情。And he spoke to me,' she added, with a perplexed countenance.

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让大部分恶魔迷惑不解的是,其实这些完全没有必要。It mysti?fied most demons. It wasn't the least bit necessary.

我走进去的时候,办公室里的所有女孩儿都非常迷惑不解。When I walked in, all the girls in the office were in a tizzy.

对于那些把坏的意图归咎于它的人来说,Google似乎有点让人迷惑不解。Google seems mystified by those who ascribe bad intentions to it.

大多数人对异性恋者像同性恋者一样在公共厕所聚集或四出猎艳感到迷惑不解。Why heterosexual men go cottaging or cruising baffles most people.

黑石头被用来当燃料烧,他也感到迷惑不解。He was also confused by the black stones people used to burn for fuel.

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达尔生看他出去,脸上流露出迷惑不解的略有点斗气似的神情。Dalleson watched him with a puzzled and slightly belligerent expression.

她将迷惑不解的奥克塔维交给苏菲,静静离去。She gives the bewildered Octavian to Sophie and quietly leaves the room.

让我迷惑不解的是他如何能徒步走那么远。What puzzles me is how he was able to cover such a long distance on foot.