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扣篮得分,也希望有更多的资产负债表的数据。Dunk also would like more balance-sheet data.

这家公司拥有坚若磐石的资产负债表。The company boasts a rock-solid balance sheet.

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这是一个干净的资产负债表的设计,“有消息人士告诉汽车。It is a clean sheet design, " a source told Autocar ."

一定时期的资产负债表应反映年初至今的经营情况。Balance sheet for the period should reflect as the YTD.

你只需侃侃他的资产负债表就明白了。You have only to look at his balance sheet to see that.

温蒂继续指导迈可有关资产负债表的内容。Wendy continues instructing Michael on the balance sheet.

我们已经谈了损益表和资产负债表。We’ve talked about the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet.

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会计已准备好上半年的资产负债表。The accountant prepare a balance sheet for the first half-year.

但是随着时间的推移,他们可以将该记录体现在资产负债表上。But they will be able to record this on balance-sheets over time.

资产负债表说明了公司的资产和债务情况.The balance sheet shows the corporation’s assets and liabilities.

“有效率的”资产负债表可以说是一个无序的死刑判决。The “efficient” balance-sheet can be a disorderly death sentence.

当这份资产负债表扩张时,货币数量也会增加。When it expands, so too does the amount of money sloshing around.

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大部分大型水泥公司都已处理好自己资产负债表的窘况,并降低了成本。Most big firms have cleaned up their balance-sheets and cut costs.

而资产负债表则是报告资产和负债的账目。The Balance Sheet is a report of the asset and liability accounts.

今天的“MBA星期一讲堂”栏目我们将会讨论一下资产负债表。Today on MBA Mondays we are going to talk about the Balance Sheet.

在资产负债表上“这些损失都被掩盖了”,比姆说。"There are losses buried everywhere" on balance sheets, Beim says.

该挤压聚氯乙烯僵化的资产负债表,该公司的质量非常高。The extrusive PVC rigid sheet of the company has very high quality.

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他称之为“一种非杠杆作用的资产负债表估价方法”。He calls it a "kind of an unleveraged balance sheet valuation measure".

它还包括一些资产负债表外的正式贷款。It also includes some credit that is off-balance-sheet but above board.

在投更多的钱进你们公司之前我们必须检查一下你们的资产负债表。We will check the balance before we put any more money in your company.