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饥荒!瘟疫!战争!恶疾!死亡!Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!

科恩说,“他是个得了恶疾的好人。”"He was a good man with bad symptoms," Cohen said.

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一种让美国社会付出毁灭性代价的恶疾。A vice that inflicts crushing social costs on American society.

然而10年前,她被诊为患有慢性阻塞性肺病,那是一种无药可治的恶疾。But 10 years ago she was diagnosed with COPD, an incurable type of emphysema.

谁能从“明天”这恶疾中解脱出来,谁就有机会达成来这里的目的。He who has freed himself of the disease of "tomorrow" has a chance to attain what he came here for.

恶疾。所谓恶疾指的是麻风,癫痫,以及性器官之类的重大疾病。Fifth, evil diseases . Here it refers to diseases such as leprosy, epilepsy and subnormal sex organs.

殖民定居者曾在19世纪强行接触这些部落居民,结果导致他们感染恶疾。Forced contact with colonial settlers in the 19th century had resulted in at least deaths from disease.

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贝伊恩在2008年被诊断出患有癌症,此后包括化疗、放疗和手术在内的所有常规疗法都没能将他所患的恶疾治愈。Diagnosed in 2008, Beyene had failed every conventional treatment including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.

你所知道埃及各样的恶疾,他不加在你身上,只加在一切恨你的人身上。He will not inflict on you the horrible diseases you knew in Egypt, but he will inflict them on all who hate you.

无论如何,癌症研究的前景是光明的,希望我们能找到一种安全的疗法去战胜这个恶疾。Regardless, the future looks bright for cancer research and hopefully we can find a safe solution to fight this disease.

不管他们出于什么目的和企图,Rivers已经经历了“数字层面死亡”,在我们日益增长的互联世界中,这简直就是几乎致命的恶疾。For all intents and purposes, Rivers had suffered digital death, a near-fatal disease in our increasingly interconnected world.

我拥护良多东亚学者的不雅概念,东方文明可以医治流行于西方世界的一些恶疾。I share the same view with many East Asian scholars that the Oriental civilization can heal some of the prevailing, stubbornWestern ills.

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我知道一般人都喜欢健康、美食、华衣、漂亮的容貌及音乐等等,最不喜欢的是贫穷、卑贱的工作、夭寿以及恶疾。I know that common people prefer to health, gourmet food, splendid clothes, beauty and music than poverty, humble work, early death and malady.

疟疾是一种隐伏的恶疾,不但造成很高的死亡率,而且产生影响人类发展的巨大致残性疾病负担。Malaria is an insidious disease that causes high mortality, but also creates a huge burden of debilitating illness that impedes human progress.

但还有一些病人依然被神秘的症状所困扰,一次又一次地回去看医生,担心自己可能得了什么医生没有发现的恶疾。But some patients remain bothered by the mystery symptoms, returning to the doctor again and again worrying that they are missing some dire illness.

我们很快得知,梅姨患上了严重的肝病,这个恶疾,要是倒回五十年代,可能对生命的威胁更是不得了。We were soon to learn that Mae suffered greatly from liver disease. This being back in the late 50's was of an even greater threat that it is today.

主卧室中,除了床不可正对浴厕之外,侧对亦不吉,容易使人罹患严重恶疾。Advocate in the bedroom, besides the bed cannot is opposite bath lavatory besides, to also do not auspicious, the person to suffer from severe disease.

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让贪欲、瞋恚、疑法、悼悔、睡眠等五盖遮掩自性,让这些如杂草的劣根性与客观条件的诸多诱惑在心中肆无忌惮地活动,我们的痛苦、烦恼、恶疾就产生了。The deep-rooted bad habits and many temptations of objective condition grow rampantly like the weed in heart so that pain, illness, and annoyance come to us.

一种叫库蠓的昆虫会在牲畜间传播一种名为蓝舌病的致命恶疾,随着气候的变化,蓝舌病正在向欧洲北部蔓延,而蝙蝠则正好以库蠓为食。Bats eat a midge called Culicoides, which carries bluetongue, a devastating livestock disease that is moving northwards in Europe as a result of climate change.

他十岁时在山大将生疏女孩小音从狼嘴里救下时脚上落下啦恶疾,连他父亲那时都一筹莫展。He was ten years old in the mountains will sound strange little girl rescued from the wolves mouth, feet down when a chronic illness, and even his father was to be helpless.