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视死如归,就在今天!Today is a good day to die!

神兵战士从天而降,他们临难无惧、视死如归。Fighting soldiers from the sky, Fearless men who jump and die.

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几个被俘的特战队员视死如归,坚决不肯透露上线。Several captured commandos death, resolutely refused to disclose on the line.

视死如归的敌人在他们的敌对方战斗人员眼中完全是灾难。An enemy who embraces death is a lose, lose situation for their enemy combatants.

有时候,他走向炸弹区域的样子仿佛视死如归,然而他的内心并没有死去。At times his bravery crosses the line into death-wish territory----but he's not dead inside.

必要的时候,我们应当视死如归,毫不犹豫地献出自己的生命。We should look death in the face calmly and lay down our lives without hesitation if need be.

塔塔尔枪骑兵身穿传统鳞甲,手持骑枪长剑,作战视死如归。Tartar Lancers ride into battle dressed in lamellar armour and with a sharpened sword in hand.

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年仅十五岁的她,为什么会在铡刀面前坚贞不屈、视死如归呢?She was only fifteen years old, why would the guillotine before the unyielding, unafraid of death it?

我满可以说,我完全没有虚度此生。如果我生命的旅程到今夜为止,我也可以问心无愧地视死如归。I may go so far As to say that I have not lived wholly in vain. If my record were closed tonight I could still survey it with equanimity.

在战斗中他们视死如归,渴望通过一个真正的敌人来验证他们伟大的技能,证明在战场上没有第二强者。In battle they are deadly opponents, eager to practise their great skills on real enemies, in an arena where there is no room for second best.

这些统计数据也很大程度上说明一个问题,即穷困潦倒的津巴人在感到自己国家正在面临崩溃时所表现出来的绝望情绪与视死如归的决心。The numbers say much about the desperation and determination of the impoverished Zimbabweans fleeing a country that is collapsing around them.

考试那天终于到了,可能有了考中级的经验,这次的我踏入考场以后显得出奇的平静,仿佛有一种视死如归的感觉。That's enough for me.When the final day befell, probably due to my last time's experience, I showed great composure after I stepped into the classroom.

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半仙忽然放弃据守,单独走出大楼,一口咬掉北野武藏半个耳朵,终身害怕猥琐的算命先生终于视死如归。BanXian suddenly abandon JuShou, separately went out of the building, bite off kitano musashi an ear, lifelong fear wretched the fortune-teller finally the death.

字里行间的坚定与决绝,不容半点余地,大有“视死如归”的劲头与小品舞台说再见。Between the lines strengthening and renounces , does not accommodate the least bit leeway, had "was unafraid of death" the strength and the sketch stage greatly says.

这次视死如归的跳伞其实是电影技术的效果——现场,邦德的扮演者丹尼尔·克雷格和86岁的女王当然都是由特技演员扮演的。Movie magic was responsible for the death-defying jump -- both Bond actor Daniel Craig and the 86-year-old monarch were portrayed by stunt doubles for the live shot, of course.

面对这些对基督教的迫害,基督徒用一种视死如归的,在二世纪的描述中,殉道者是上帝军队的一名士兵。These attacks on Christianity and the way Christians respond to it with this sort of martial, the martyr becomes a soldier in the army of God in the way it's depicted in the second century.