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他预约在星期一同他的律师晤谈。He had an appointment with his lawyer set for Monday.

我猜他们正设法给我安排晤谈。I guess they're trying to set up an appointment for me.

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径路探测法、概念构图法、晤谈法在测量知识结构的效果相当一致。The effects of Pathfinder, concept mapping and interview method were similar.

无论前景是多么渺茫,我还是去找任何可能有能力帮助我们的人晤谈。I met with anybody who might have able to help us, however unlikely the prospect.

督导议题与督导策略可能影响受督者之晤谈感受。Supervisory issues and supervisory strategies may affect supervisee 's session impact.

本研究采取质性研究方法,资料的蒐集来源可分成教室观察、晤谈、作业等。The qualitative research method was used to collect and to analyze the research data in this study.

与受试者的朋友及家人晤谈,询问他们受试者经历过的较久远的事情。Interview participants' friends or family members to ask them about remote events that the participant experienced.

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各竞标机构将审阅中金公司的账簿,并与管理层晤谈,以确定愿意给出的最高报价。Bidders will review CICC's books and interview management to determine the maximum amount they are willing to offer.

美国主教和伊朗什叶派领袖阿亚图拉在伊朗圣城库姆省晤谈,肯定彼此宗教在追求和平拥有共同立场。American Bishop meets with Iranian Ayatollah in the holy city of Qom to affirm their religions'common quest for peace.

当安琪十八岁时,藉著圣神的启迪,安琪与堂区内一位方济会的神父晤谈,不久后,她便决定「我要加入圣方济第三会」。When she was eighteen, following the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Angela spoke with A Franciscan priest at her parish.

与基辛格晤谈后两天,蒋经国来到纽约,在中午过后不久抵达富丽堂皇的广场大饭店。With Kissinger interview two days later, Jiang Jingguo came to New York, shortly after noon arrived in Grand Plaza hotel.

将采用德尔菲问卷调查法与晤谈指引法,以立意抽样方式抽取学者专家三十人,其中來自学术界有13人,餐饮业界有17人。Convenience sampling is used to survey 30 professionals, including 17 respondents from the academic and 13 respondents from the hospitality industry.

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教宗下午稍作休息后,将分别与波兰总统克瓦涅夫斯基与总理米勒晤谈。The pope is to take a brief rest in the afternoon and he will then meet with Polish President Alexander Kwasneiwski and Prime Minister Leszek Miller separately.

在汉城三家提供移植服务的医院里,利用九位主要资讯提供者的半结构式晤谈法进行探索性研究。An exploratory study using semi-structured interviews with nine key informants from three major hospitals which provide transplant services in Seoul was conducted.

与波士尼亚及赫塞哥维纳不同宗教信仰团体晤谈时,伊朗国会议长强调以灵性价值矫正普世议题的重要性。During a meeting with leaders of different faiths in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iranian Parliamentary Speaker highlighted the importance of spiritual values in addressing contemporary issues.

方法运用质性研究中的现象学知识和心理晤谈技术,对48例四川地震伤员进行一对一的个别晤谈。Methods One-to-one interviews were held with 48 of the injured from the Wenchuan earthquake using phenomenological knowledge and psychological interview techniques of qualitative studies.

人权观察说在此份报告印行后,该组织首次与中国卫生部的官员晤谈,讨论中国艾滋病和人权的问题。Human rights watch said that after the report was printed, the organization met for the first time with officials at the Chinese Ministry of Health to discuss aids and human rights in China.