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扁圆长条形挑、抬物品的竹木用具。Oblate strip pick, bamboo utensils carrying goods.

我主要负责竹木方面的产品。I'm mainly in charge of bamboo and wooden products.

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若论不杀生,竹木不宜砍,柴薪何来?If not killing, wood should not be cut, wood where?

“腾丰”系列竹木门自上市后深受用户的喜爱。"Teng Feng" series since the listing of bamboo doors are popular.

山上竹木郁郁葱葱,山下江水滔滔滚滚。Bamboo and lush mountains, rolling rolling down the mountain river.

布料、皮革、纸张、竹木制品、有机玻璃、玻璃、薄膜、帆布等。Fabrics, leather, paper. bamboo ware, acryl, glass, thin film and canvas, etc.

材质有陶瓷、树脂、密度板、竹木制品。The materials of qua are ceramics, resin, density plate, bamboo-wood products.

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“布蕾氏”高档竹木窗帘,高品味生活享受!Breeze Wooden&Bamboo Curtain With Super Quality Brings Luxurious Enjoyment For You.

竹木复合材所用原料为毛竹、杨木夹板。The material of bamboo and wood combination in the study is bamboo, poplar plywood.

本文以大量史料说明,历史时期的蒸水流域是个山青水秀、盛产竹木的地方。In the past, this area was rich in forest resources, with hills green and waters clear.

三是林业产值中“竹木采运”产值为全社会口径。The third, the date of bamboo & wood collection and transportation is include total society.

沙发可以是皮制的、布艺的、藤制的、竹木制的,只要坐得舒适又好看。Sofa can be leathern , cloth art, cany, bamboo is ligneous, should sit comfortably only good-looking.

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本机适用于板式家具、实木复合地板、平面板工艺品、竹木窗帘等流水作业的工件输送。This machine is designed to convey the work piece of the plate furniture , the composite floor and so on.

于是,宜选月冷风清竹木萧萧之处,为自己的精神修建三间小屋。Therefore, to the election of cold wind-hour of bamboo for their spirit of the construction of three cottages.

对竹木家具的开发设计原则、造型形式和特点以及家具的类型进行系统的研究。Systematical research was done on the design principle, categories and characteristic of bamboo-wood furniture.

区域内物产丰富,盛产茶叶、笋干、山核桃、药材、竹木等。The products inside area is rich, teem with tea, dried bamboo shoots, hickory, medicinal material, Zhu Mu to wait.

布料、皮革、橡胶、竹木、水晶、有机玻璃、瓷砖、大理石、玉石、塑料等非金属材料。Cloth, leather, rubber, wooden product, bamboo, crystal, plexiglass, ceramic tile, jade, resin, acrylic, bowlder, etc.

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关于我国考古发现的秦代竹木简牍,依据报道还有三批。On China's archaeological discoveries of the Qin Dynasty bamboo Jian Du, according to reports there are three batches.

湖北林业这次雨雪冰冻灾害主要表现在竹木损失惨重,经济林、新造林损毁严重等方面。The Hubei forestry freezing rain and snow disaster caused the tree, economic forest and afforestation serious damage, etc.

研究用间歇冷—热—冷法压出竹木复合结构连续长材的加工方法与机理。Study on the processing and mechanism of the long bamboo-wood composite materials made by method of the cold-hot-cold press.