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西方就是个大骗子。The West is a big liar.

太阳向西方落下去。The sun sets in the west.

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这次西方的确表扬了他。The West duly praised him.

庚辛属金,位西方。Hsin is a gold, bit the West.

但是西方也不能就此被吓倒。But nor can the West be cowed.

他改名为菲尔莫尔西方。He renamed it the Fillmore West.

这个市场有种狂热的西方情怀。The market has a Wild West feel.

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但板蓝根为什么不能出售给西方呢?Why can't it be sold to the west?

公路折向西方。The highway bent towards the west.

落霞消残,渐沉入西方的天际。As after sunset fadein in the west.

波希现在仍是西方学院教员。Mr. Boesche is still on the faculty.

右为西方世界阿弥陀佛。Right is Western world Amida Buddha.

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我们左边是西方文化区。We have western culture on the left.

最佳西方深圳富临大酒店。Best Western Shenzhen Felicity Hotel.

但西方的很多忧虑是荒谬的。But many Western concerns are absurd.

背著东方和西方,我挥舞手臂。To the East and to the West I beckon.

瞄准了一位守贞的美丽女子,西方之后。At a fair vestal, throned by the west.

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他们属于西方国家,属于布什,而我们是反布什的。They belong to Bush. We are anti-Bush.

对着西方天空里玫瑰色的云彩。To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

西方生意经在中国不灵。Western business logic does not apply.