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爱情是一层纱布,隔在相恋的人中间。Love is the veil between lover and lover.

云雀靠韭葱生活,相恋一方靠恋爱生活。Lovers live by love as larks live by leeks.

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阿米莉亚与贵族加布里埃尔‧阿多诺相恋。Amelia's lover is the patrician Gabriele Adorno.

不知不觉地,永然与这个守护天使相恋了。Eventually, Ran has fallen into this guardian angel.

他们在相恋六年后分手了。They bust up after six years of steady companionship.

仓央嘉措第一最好不相见,如此便可不相恋。The first, the one you should not meet, so then you may not love.

告诉你我有多爱你,相恋里会有些遗缺。Tell you how much I love you, there will be some Yique fell in love.

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基与其太太是高中相恋,1984年成婚。Mr Key and his wife are high school sweethearts, who married in 1984.

当他们在西湖游玩时,遇到一位名叫许仙的男子,白蛇与许仙很快的相恋并且随即结婚。White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married.

相恋8年旳吴彦祖与女友向各媒体报喜。Daniel fell in love with his girlfriend 8 years of good news to the media.

从相识、相恋到喜结良缘,你们经历了人生最美好的时光。From the acquaintance, love to tie the knot, you had the best time of life.

该剧描述了一个夜晚4对男女在夜总会相恋继而失恋的故事。It depicts 4 couples as they fall in and out of love one evening at a nightclub.

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在与玛丽亚·奥因斯·施赖弗相恋八年之后,他们最终于1986年结婚了。After dating Maria Owings Shriver for eight years, they finally got married in 1986.

从相识、相恋到喜结良缘,你们经历了人生最美好的时光。From the acquaintance, love to tie the knot, you experience the best moments in life.

二人相恋是一种彼此影响,互相连结的微妙关系。To be in love is to enter a delicate relationship of mutual influence and attachment.

两人是于去年相识相恋的,当时简森是海莉工作的那家停车场的客户。The pair met last year when Jason became a customer at the garage where Haylie worked.

在短短的时间,何塞和克莱门相恋,并希望尽快结婚。In a short time, José and Clemencia fell in love and wanted to marry as soon as possible.

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在相恋25年后,大脑中与热恋的区域仍然活跃。The brain areas associated with intense romantic love, still become active, 25 years later.

而且也知道她才结婚不久,爱人是他相恋几年的同学,感情甚笃。And I know she will get married soon, love is his love years classmates, very deep feelings.

天各一方又如何。我在这里,你在那里,我们远远地相恋就是了。Fuck the miles. Fuck them. I'll be here and you'll be there and we'll just be long-distance.