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我希望他支持我。I wish he would.

其次是支持。Next is support.

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尚不支持。Not yet supported.

她支持她们。She supports them.

羲,我永远支持你!Forever Support U !

免费邮件支持。Free email support.

你是怎么支持住的?How you holding up?

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请投票支持我们!Please vote for us!

我需要你们的支持!I need your support.

我支持你。I'll bolster you up.

支持A2DP音频流。A2DP audio streaming.

羲,我支持你!Forever support you !

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支持的顶下。Support under the top.

永远支持刘惜君!Held her back, forever.

我支持你任天堂!I support you Nintendo!

高清音频格式的支持。HD audio format support.

他支持杨基队。He supports the Yankees.

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穆萨维,我们支持你!Mousavi, we support you!

蔡一杰,我们支持你!Yat Kit, we support you!

支持它和反对它。Argue for and against it.