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哦,天哪,我的煞车。Oh, my God, the brakes!

手煞车杆已磨损。The hand-brake lever is worn out.

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调节手煞车钢索拉伸器。Adjust parking brake cable tensioner.

我用左靴猛踩他的煞车脚。I slashed at his brake foot with my left boot.

踏下并保持煞车踏板在使用位置。Press and hold brake pedal in applied position.

当你停车时,煞车痕长达一英里。When you stop, you leave a mile long skid mark.

我的车子在我开的时候煞车失灵了。My car brakes went out on me when I was driving.

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驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes.

把脚踩在煞车上,车子就会停下来了。Put your foot on the brakes, and the car will stop.

先是门关不上,接着煞车又不行。First the doors wouldn't close, then the brakes failed.

必要时,从煞车油槽卸下一些煞车油。If necessary, remove some brake fluid from the reservoir.

随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With a scream of braking, the life of Yingzi flew up gently.

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随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With a screech of an abrupt stop, Yingzi's life flew off softly.

切勿把煞车灯与红色车尾灯混淆。They must not be confused with the rear lights which are also red.

随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With the breaks screeching, Yingzi's life flied in the air gently.

这微处理器能监控汽车轮胎磨损和煞车动力的情形。The microprocessors can monitor tire wear and brake power on the cars.

磁场对超强磁星体的自转应该是一种强力的煞车。The magnetic field should act as a strong brake on a magnetar's rotation.

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随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With the squeak of stopping the car, the life to Ying just fly up lightly.

果真如此,放开这左煞车并且任这伞向前荡。As it does so, release the left brake and allow the canopy to surge forward.

不要太接近那辆车,因为如果它突然煞车,可能会发生意外。Don't follow that car too . If it stops quickly, there could be an accident.