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我们权衡了利弊得失。We weighed up the pros and cons.

使用该药,患者必须权衡利弊。One must balance risk versus benefit.

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养宠物的利利弊是什么?What are the pros and cons of keeping pets?

所以你必须权衡中间的利弊。So you really want to think about that trade off.

在做决定之前,我必需权衡利弊得失。I commor to weigh the pros or cons ago a decision.

哪些人爱买?在商场买东西的利弊。Will credit card change the way people buy things?

在做决定之前,我必需权衡利弊得失。I command to weigh the pros and cons ago making a decision.

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在做决定之前,偶必须权衡利弊得失。I need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

我们来考虑一下改变系统的利弊吧。Let's consider the pluses and minuses of changing the system.

针对男女分校的利弊,这些数据说明了什么?What do the data say about the pros and cons of single-sex schools?

在审查计划时,我们必须权衡利弊。In examining the plan, we must weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

但是,众多的利弊得失不应盲目的一个压倒另一个。But the various pros and cons should not blindly overwhelm one another.

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主要是它的利弊,是不可能的眼光超越,以死为功能集。Main pros are it's impossible to look beyond the to-die-for feature set.

然而,许多最小的最轻的电脑都是权衡利弊后的最佳组合。Yet many of the smallest, lightest computers are studded with tradeoffs.

他们权衡利弊之后才作出决定。They weighed the advantages and disadvantages before making the decision.

人生可能就是这样,有舍才有得,权衡利弊!Life may be this way, it is only in the homes, weighing the pros and cons!

我们讨论更换公司操作系统的利弊得失。We discussed the pros and cons of changing the company's operating system.

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我没有打算在这里讨论公建住房的各种利弊。I do not intend to enter here into all the pros and cons of public housing.

我很保护我的时候,权衡利弊得失一切,我做的。I am very protective of my time and weigh the pros and cons of everything I do.

平衡利弊,当然学校学生的福利放在第一位。Balancing the pros and cons, of course the school put the students’ welfare first.