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人文精神既是一种形而上的追求,也是形而下的思考。Human spirit is both a metaphysical pursuit, but also a physical reflection.

我的探索带我穿过形而下、形而上,以及错觉妄想,最后回到了原点。My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back.

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但实际上,“情感本体”明显地具有形而上和形而下两个层面的指向。But in fact, "emotional noumenon" obviously has two points of metaphysics and physics.

可以夸大为源自形而上的艺术理想,亦或只是简单的形而下的生活经验。One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.

对于如何建构“记忆建筑”的追寻,并非形而上或者形而下,而是一种态度的探求。How to construct "Memory Architecture" is not a metaphysical or practical, but an attitude to explore.

美学长期在“形而上学”和“形而下学”压制之下,丧失了自身的特质。Aesthetics has lost its own distinctive feature under the long-term suppression of metaphysics and physics.

教育学不但有人伦日用的形而下目的,而且还有形而上的追寻。教育学的形而上追求就是寻求一般,把握基本原理。Education tends to not only pursue material benefits but also seek metaphysics which is to explore the generality and grasp basic law.

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宋人对采茶时间的这一要求,可以说是中国古代形而下的朴素唯物主义的一个具体体现。Song of the tea-picking time, this requirement can be said that in ancient China a physical naive materialism of a concrete embodiment.

所以整个美国革命和他的理念都是世俗的,人们都是为了自己的切身利益,这一场形而下的革命建立的一个形而下的国家与政府。So, the whole America revolution and it ideal is temporal. Everyone was fight for its own interest. The country and the government were established by such revolution.

“语言之中有一些非常有力、醇厚的东西,非常地形而下,”他说,“然而,对于身体对女人意味着什么,她有一种罕见的敏锐。”"There's something very forceful and full-bodied about the language. It's very physical, " he said. Yet, "She's got a subtlety about what it means to be a woman, that others lack.

这次中国馆在策展人彭峰的独特哲学视角之下,为观众们呈现了一种介于形而上和形而下之间的思想维度。The China Pavilion, with Curator Peng Feng's special philosophical vision , showed the international audience the state of mind which is between, yet among physics and metaphysics.

然而,朱子终不能抵挡思想史上常有的现成化倾向,最终造成思想与生活、形而上与形而下的割裂。However, due to the ready-made orientation often seen in the history of thoughts, his thoughts end up in the disjunction of thoughts and life, the "metaphysical" and the "physical".

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我们创作艺术可分为形而上,形而下,同样,鉴赏者按照文化底蕴与审美能力也是如此分层面的。There divides metaphysical and explanation for my creation. As same, the appreciator also divides these two levels according the different culture background and aesthetic abilities.

虽然是描绘年轻但成熟的身体,以及人体与肉体交织的视觉意象,但艺术家试图传达的不仅仅是形而下的身体欲望,而是灵魂出壳般的精神升华。While describing young but mature bodies and visual images of body and flesh, the artist is expressing not merely physical desires but more spiritual sublimation as the soul's been out.

致力于研究人类文化的文化人类学作为20世纪的一大显学,以其独特的田野调查的方法,形而下地给美学研究提供了活化载体。Being a great doctrine of 20th century, cultural anthropology aims to the study of human culture, and provides activated carriers for the study of aesthetics by means of the unique fieldwork.

若形而下地只死学传统,只能做些就事论事的表面文章,这种情况在今天很有些普遍性。On the contrary, one can only superficially deal with tradition by considering it as it stands if tradition is physically followed by slavish imitation. Such a situation is quite common today.

而"道之用",则是老子立论的出发点和落脚点,即如何在形而下的世界体道、践道,从而实现人类社会的最高价值和最高理想。The "tao-yung", it is the facts, the starting point and goal, namely, how the world in a physical practise, tread, in order to achieve the highest value of human society and the highest ideals.