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这三个大部头。Those are the big three.

要读的都是新闻史上留名的大部头。It was all tomes on the history of journalism.

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该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition.

他那本大部头著作是由他以前写的那本小书扩充而成的。His big book is an expansion of the little book he wrote before.

考虑周到的编缉删掉了书中的枯燥部分,从而将那本大部头著作的篇幅缩短了。The thoughtful editor had abridged the massive book by removing the boring part.

我的手摩挲着这些书卷,厚的、薄的、小册的、大部头的、旧的、新装订的。I ran my hand over the volumes, thick , thin, slim , oversize, old, and newly bound.

这本288页厚的大部头是我们的最新制作,一页页地浏览过去真是一件赏心乐事。The 288-page tome is our latest production and dare I say it, it's a joy to go through.

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所以,试着在你的触屏智能手机里找到他们的名字,打个电话让他们来告诉你那些大部头电话黄页的故事吧。Try tapping their name on your touch-enabled smart phone and ask them to tell you stories.

其实,这本术语充斥、构思欠严谨的大部头书的大部分内容要远远比上述的话来得平和。Most of his long, carelessly shaped, jargon-filled book is far more conciliatory than that.

你甚至可能需要一个工程学位和一本大部头的教科书来弄清楚它们的工作原理。You might even need an engineering degree and an instructional tome to figure out how they work.

并且,这些捧读者中读的都是大部头的托翁、陀翁等苏俄大师的名著。Moreover, these holding readers are reading voluminous care Weng Weng Tuo Soviet masters classics.

兰丽缇,从你阅读的那些大部头看来,我们有一些共同点。Well, Nannette, judging by those great tomes you are struggling with, we have something in common.

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恐怕有人会说,C只不过是一门小型语言,所以介绍它自然用不着大部头。One can argue that C is a small language and therefore concision comes naturally to an introductory text.

成千上万的日本手机用户正热衷于在小小的手机屏幕上阅读厚厚的大部头小说。Tens of thousands of Japanese cell-phone owners are poring over full-length novels on their tiny screens.

这两本大部头书籍应在一个月后归还,但它们一去不回,自那时起,逾期不归还图书的罚金不断增加。The two tomes were due back a month later but were never returned and have been accruing late fees ever since.

像这样大部头的巨作就务必会让读者为了回顾之前的剧情而作痛苦漫长的寻找工作,因此在卷首作个前情概要会比较人性化一些。In a work this size it's the reader who must embark on a harrowing quest, and a summary up front would be useful.

目前,繙译行业正在从以大部头繙译为主转向以小件繙译居多,所以价格有所下降。But even here costs are coming down, as the translation industry is shifting from project-based to piecemeal working.

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比方说,如果你不愿广播或印刷斯达克的大部头声明,为什么你会在网络上发表呢?For example, if you would not broadcast or print large sections of Stack's manifesto, why would you publish it online?

但在英格兰,到1640年,已有超过20000册英语书出现了,从区区小册子到大部头巨著,范围广至所有方面。But in England over 2000 titles in English had appeared by 1640, ranging all the way from mere pamphlets to big volumes.

更具古典气质的奥地利总统海因茨•菲舍尔送给布什的是“莫扎特音乐全集”,价值1,276美元的大部头。In a more classical vein, Austrian President Heinz Fischer gave his US counterpart the "Mozart Complete Edition" —a massive set valued at 1,276 dollars.