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并可用作打桩、打水井等作业,其应用比较广泛。It can also be used in pile-driving, well-drilling and etc.

文章介绍了气动夯锤打桩的施工方法。This paper presents the construction method of pneumatic rammer piling.

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这些可以用于任何堆的建设和使用任何普通的打桩方法。These can be used in any piled building and with any common piling method.

而且,在平台打桩工程建设中出现了诸如拒锤、溜桩等等的实际问题。It is one of pile driving to predict more accurately driveability analysis.

导向架用于水下独立桩在海上进行插桩作业时的导向及打桩扶正。The fast frame is used for guiding and up righting when piling in the submarine.

广泛用于海洋、江河、沼泽、陆地上的打桩基础施工。Widely used in the seas, rivers, marshes and land piling foundation construction.

打桩时,个别立柱顶端变形,不影响橡胶柱帽戴入。Piling, the top individual column deformation does not affect all wearing rubber-cap.

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政府紧急援助在每一主要的经济之上是打桩数兆元债务的价值。Government bailouts are piling trillions of dollars worth of debt onto every major economy.

举例来说,如果是在中环,每一天的打桩作业总时间就不能超过三个小时。Districts such as Central, for instance, allow for a total of three hours of piling per day.

讨论了管桩在打桩时压力波和拉力波分别产生的正负泊松效应对桩侧阻力的影响。The influence of Poisson Effect to Skin Resistance for tube pile driving is mainly discussed.

打桩作业带来的110分贝噪音有可能导致鼓膜穿孔,后果会导致失聪。The 110-decibel level of piling risks perforation of the eardrum, which leads to hearing loss.

有平坦的讨论有关打桩菩提树实验室的电池组街道在旧金山的办公室。There are even discussions about picketing Linden Lab's Battery Street office in San Francisco.

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只有有限的一部分打桩需要支持建筑的地基在软的地方。Only a limited amount of pile-driving is needed to support building foundations above softer areas.

打桩之外的其他建筑作业如需在工作日昼间之外的时间进行,亦需取得政府许可。Construction work other than piling requires a permit if it is carried out outside of daytime hours on weekdays.

在饱和软粘土地基上打桩挖土造成桩顶偏移的情况,是累见不鲜的工程病害。Pile top deviation due to piling and excavation on saturated soft soil foundation is usually an engineering disease.

然后打桩是控制好打入深度,这样可以有效的让立柱保持在同一高度。Then piling is to control the depth of the depth, so that the column can be effectively maintained at the same height.

打桩作业只能在周一至周六早上七点至晚上七点之间进行,在人口密集的城区还会受到进一步的限制。Piling is allowed only between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and further restricted in dense, urban areas.

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本文记述了在巴基斯坦卡拉奇港五号油码头的桩工,包括打桩和拉桩试验的情况。Pihng work for Oil Pier V in Karachi Port, Pakistan, including pile-driving and pull-out tests, is described in the pa- per.

本文利用应力波理论建立了计算打桩时桩端土静阻力的公式。A method based on the stress-wave theory to estimate the static resistance at pile toe during pile driving has been developed.

结合一维应力波动理论,以实测打桩记录为依据,采用反分析方法确定当后继打桩出现拒锤现象时的单桩承载力。Based on the driving records, the back-figured method is applied to estimate the pile bearing capacity after refusal taking place.