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这已经过时了。It's obsolete.

丽莎已经过时了。Lisa is a has-been.

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她走过时对他行了一个屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsy.

款式也过时了。The style was outdated.

听起来会不会过时啊?Does it sound out-dated?

她走过时对他匆匆行一屈膝礼。She swept him a curtsey.

多数流行式样很快便过时了。Most fashions soon dated.

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她走过时笑了笑。She smiled as she passed.

黑色永远不过时。Black is never out-of-date.

我不知道你的难过时的歌。I don't know your sad song.

好吧,看来这还并未过时。Okay, so it's not obsolete.

大胆的思想几乎已经过时。Bold ideas are almost passé.

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网络已经过时了。The Internet is already passe.

甚至这一名词如今都已过时.Even the term now sounds passé.

嗯,直到这个故事过时。Well, until the story gets old.

马车已经过时。Horse carriages are obsolescent.

琼斯的店已过时。Jone's store is behind the time.

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她走过时朝我点一下头。She gave me a nod as she passed.

她长得非常普通,衣也过时。She looked very plain and dowdy.

这种武器早已过时。This kind of weapon is obsolete.