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俗话说的好、光说不练假把式。As the saying goes, fake handle and a spout lip.

所以那个告诉我他们都是光说不练假把式。So that tells me they are all talks and no action.

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这种小把式也拿出来用在自己身上。This kind of is small to take out a type to also use on oneself.

该车结构简单,手把式操作方便、实用性强。The vehicle structure is simple, easy to operate for now, practical.

如今耕田耘地多换上了机械,养骡喂马的把式早已派不上用场。Now the fields are ploughed by machine, and the horses and the mules are of no use.

适度扭动转把式油门使发动机持续预热1至3分钟。Turn the throttle twist grip properly to continue preheating the engine for 1-3 minutes.

玩‘绳子把式’。这个真正的吓着我了,他的内在到底是个什么样的人。我觉得我看见了他的黑暗面。Play ‘rape fantasy.’ It actually scared me how into it he was. I felt like I saw his dark side.

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再次,详细阐述了莲花山花儿会“串把式”的角色定位、存在原因、期间作用、一般特征。Thirdly, defining of the role, the reasons for the existence and their general features are expounded.

在这些人里,驾货车的车夫和赶大车的把式从帽子上缠着的一段鞭绳上可以辨认出来。Among these, carters and wagoners were distinguished by having a piece of whip-cord twisted round their hats.

最后,重点论证了“串把式”的创作特点、创作规律及其影响因素。Finally, the demonstration is focus on the creative characteristics, creative laws and some factors which impacts his creations.

你要玩的把式也许是接受自己的性渴望,也接受和你有着相同渴望的女人——那些女人中也许有要你付出真爱的人。The trick is to accept your own sexual desires and regard anyone who shares them as also worthy of your respect – perhaps even of your love.

事实是,关于斯特伦克先生,从他大学穿着足球队队服的照片来看,许多人也会叫他“假把式”。The fact remains that Mr. Strunk himself, to judge from a photograph of him taken in football uniform at college, used to be what many would call a living doll.

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你很关注“不同”的游戏把式,但看起来你并没对遇到有着相同性口味的“好”的人抱很大期望。You are strongly focused on "different" types of play, but it seems you do not hold out much hope that you will ever find someone "nice" with similar sexual tastes.

“串把式”作为花儿会中“歌摊”的领头人物,在花儿会前期准备、中期运作、后期总结等方面起到了不可替代的作用。As the Leading figure of the "Ge'tan", "Chuan-bashi" played an irreplaceable role on the preliminary preparation, the operation of the medium-term and a summary at last.

本文主要对莲花山花儿会中“串把式”的身份特征、期间作用、创作特点、创作风格及其影响因素等进行了详实的论证。This paper mainly make a detailed demonstration on the identity, the role of "Chuan-bashi" and their characteristics of creative, artistic style and some factors which impacts his creations.

无耳把式饮具就是这种创新的设计。该设计是以饮料壶上的执手和杯子上的隔热耳代替了传统的耳把。The drinking cup without the side handle is namely the innovative design which is that the traditional side handle is replaced by a handle on the beverage kettle and a heat insulating ear on the cup.