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德国是现代反不正当竞争法的发源地。Germany is the origin of modern anti-unfair competition law.

国家机关工作人员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。No State functionary may support or cover up unfair competition acts.

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运用该市场规律来消除电子不正当竞争并不容易。Applying the market rule to electronic unfair competition disputes is not always easy.

国家机关工作人员不得参与、支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。Functionaries of state organs shall not support or cover up acts of unfair competition.

国家机关工作人员不得支持、包庇不正当竞争行为。Staff members of state organs shall not support or cover up acts of unfair competition.

二是在广义竞争关系下,特许人虚假描澎于为是不正当竞争行为。Part III focuses on the relationship between franchising and anti-unfair competition act.

依法查处致使价格过快上涨的不正当竞争和垄断行为。Illegal competitions and monopolizations shall be punished in accordance with relevant law.

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并且指出现阶段商业秘密反不正当竞争法保护存在的问题。The forth part introduces the anti-unfair competition law of protecting commercial secrets.

证券公司不得以不正当竞争手段招揽证券承销业务。Securities companies shall not procure the underwriting business with improper means of competition.

凡违反了反不正当竞争法的行为,无论行为人的主观状态如何,都应按反不正当竞争法加以规范。All the acts violating anti-unfair competition law, in spite of the subjective motivation, should be punished.

健全完善竞争垄断法,增加“反不利于生态成本控制的不正当竞争和垄断行为”规定。Finally, non-justifiable and monopoly action unbeneficial to the control of ecological cost must be regulated.

二是在一定条件下“未注册知名商标或驰名商标”广告可以受到反不正当竞争法的保护。The author also analyzes the reasons why the advertisements can be protected by the law of unfair competition.

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当讨论到电子不正当竞争,我们无法逃避的是电子商务指令的适用性。When discussing electronic unfair competition, we cannot escape the applicability of the E-commerce Directive.

在权利外部,反不正当竞争法构成对知识产权滥用的限制。Outside the right, anti-unfair competition law makes the restriction to the abuse of intellectual property law.

保护商业秘密是反不正当竞争法维护的反不正当竞争权之一。Protection of commercial secrets of Anti-Unfair Competition Law to safeguard against unfair competition right one.

我国未注册商标形态可以散见于商标法、反不正当竞争法等法律规范中。In our country, both trademark law and law against unfair competition stipulate the non-registered trademark protection.

国外立法主要采用商标法、专门立法和反不正当竞争法三种模式保护地理标志。The foreign legislation protects it by use of such three modes as trade mark law, special law and unfair competition law.

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我国反不正当竞争立法对商业秘密的保护起步较晚,目前正在逐渐改革和完善。The protection of trade secrets through Chinese Anti-Unfair Competition Law started later. It is gradually reforming and improving.

而反对者则认为,该课程的出现反映出社会上不正当竞争之风的增长趋势,以及不良社会习惯的滋生现况。Others thought the trend reflected a growing unhealthy competitiveness in society and that poor social habits were being encouraged.

这明显有违民法及反不正当竞争法所确立的“公平”、“诚实信用”等原则。This obviously goes against the principles "Justice", "Honesty", which are backed up by civil law and anti-improper-competition-law.