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一个欺诈的例子就是利率“内定”方式。A quirkier example is the ability to “lock in” an interest rate.

主人正在发现在毂上被配置的内定出入口。The hosts are detecting the default gateway configured on the hub.

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这种物质在肌细胞内定位于核周的胞质中。In the muscle cells it is located in the cytoplasm around the nucleus.

隆真,那是内定的未来的家主。The Long is true, that is already resolved hereafter lord in the house.

三是来源于代理机构的风险,包括缺乏审查和事先内定。The third risks are from the agencies, including the lack of review and pre-designated.

当被问及奖牌内定这一事件时,周继红突然发问,“你哪个单位的?”When asked about the scandal, Zhou retorted, "Which media organization do you work for?"

与此同时,在IASB,小道消息称伊恩·麦金托什被内定为大卫爵士的接班人。At IASB, meanwhile, Ian Mackintosh is whispered to have the inside track to replace Sir David.

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以前,日本相扑协会以诽谤罪起诉那些刊文指责它内定比赛的媒体。In the past, the JSA sued publications for defamation following articles that alleged match-fixing.

本已内定做封面的这篇报道,被一篇水价格的报道取代了,并被挪到下一期再用。Originally slated for the cover, it was replaced by one on water prices and moved to the next issue.

肺内定向给药可减少药物的系统毒性,提高疗效。Targeted intrapulmonary delivery of drugs may reduce systemic toxicity and improve treatment efficacy.

其旋转和规模是内定与测远器向量测量和加工工艺的。The rotation and the scale are inherent in the Macrom-eter vector measurement and processing technique.

根据演化方程,编制程序,通过计算三维圆管内定常层流运动以验证程序的正确性。And it is used to validate the program that is calculating 3D steady laminar flow in the circinal canal.

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为了将这种劫持的伤害减到最低,练习降低将事态扩大的「内定值」反应素粉重要滴。To minimize the damage from hijacking, it is important to practice patterns which lead to de-escalation.

本文研究了凸域内定长线段的包含测度问题,利用广义支持函数和限弦函数,得到了一类特殊凸域的包含测度。By using the generalized support function, we can get the integral for the power of chords of a convex set.

这人生到颇像戏一场不论你怎样挣扎都敌不过内定的剧本。This game looks somewhat like a matter of life to the struggle you are no match for what the script default.

在她们之间,有一个内定的轮流制度,决定谁在哪一天,可以进入“超人”的卧室。In between them, there is a default rotation system, in the day to decide who can enter the "Superman" bedroom.

使用者能从不同的型板中选择但是有一个被设定的内定信息,以防万一使用者无法选择一。User can choose from different templates but there is a default message set in case the user fails to select one.

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本论文还对木霉菌在水稻体内定殖动态进行了探索。The thesis uses the application of molecular biology to explore Trichoderma in rice in vivo colonization dynamics.

在OSI模型的哪一层做装置住那正在对一个网络上的主人动作如内定的出入口?。At which layer of the OSI model does the device reside that is functioning as the default gateway for hosts on a network?

在前总统穆巴拉克的统治下,选举是由国家控制的,结果早就已经内定,投票率非常低。Under former President Mubarak, elections were stage-managed affairs with predetermined results, and turnout was very low.