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他们常常谈论马。They often talk horse.

我们都谈论了些什么?What did we talk about?

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他谈论八度音。He talked about octaves.

她谈笑风声地谈论艺术。She talked gaily of art.

请不要高谈论阔。Please don't dwell on it.

我们还在谈论他们。We still talk about them.

我们常听到人们谈论风格。We hear a lot about style.

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谈论世界风情,体验狂欢节、泼水节等。I can talk about the world.

这已是街头巷尾谈论的事了。It is the talk of the town.

他们在你背后谈论。They talk behind your back.

你们在谈论什么?What are you talking about?

谈论前男友。Talking about ex-boyfriends.

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他们谈论现代主义。They talked about modernism.

伊苏,你能谈论一下日本吗?Esu can you comment on Japan?

但是谁在谈论着爱呢?But who was talking about love?

对此我想再谈论多一些。I just want to beat it further.

这是人们常爱谈论的一个话题。It is a hot topic among people.

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人们谈论着质量时间。People talk about quality time.

谈论个第一世界的问题。Talk about a first-world problem.

坏的谈论挫败建议者。Bad counsel confounds the adviser.