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水害是煤矿的五大自然灾害之一。Water harm is one of the five natural calamities in mines.

桃园煤矿是一个受多种地下水害威胁的矿井。Taoyuan Coal Mine is the threatened mine by manifold groundwater.

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许多房屋都配有脚柱使它们免受未来水害的侵扰。Many are built on stilts to keep them above any future high water.

峰峰矿区是华北大水矿区,水害严重威胁着下组煤层的开采。Fengfeng coal mine is a large groundwater flow mine in North China.

后人记载,禹治理水害是从岷江开始的。Later records, Yu governance from the Minjiang water damage are the beginning.

得出太灰水是10煤开采时矿井充水的重要水害。So the study of drainage limestone water under coalbed NO. 10 floor was carried out.

六枝矿区是我国南方煤矿水害严重地区之一。Liuzhi Coal Mine is one of the areas in South Chica where karst water harm is serious.

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介绍了开滦矿区主要水害类型及防治对策。This paper shows the main type of the water disasters and its measures in Kailuan Mine.

他用导流和深挖的手段来消除了岷江的水害。Libing employed a method of channeling and dividing the water to harness the Minjiang Rivers.

工程实践表明,提出的防治措施能有效地防治水害的产生。The engineering practice shows that the protective measures can effectively prevent disease from water.

研究结果对煤矿砂岩水害的有效防治具有重要的指导意义。The conclusion is of great significance for water disaster valid control of sandstone water in coal mine.

矿井断裂构造带滞后突水是威胁煤矿深部开采的主要水害类型。The lagging water-inrush near mine fault belt is the main type of water damage threatening the deep coal mining.

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为了解决三江平原低湿耕地粮食生产经常受水害的问题,提出了垅平台栽培法。Broad and flat ridge cultivation method was proposed in order to solve the waterlogging problems in Sanjiang plain.

论述了矿井水害防治保障体系中的一种实时监测技术。This paper discusses a kind of real-time monitoring technology for mine water damage control and guarantees system.

飓风及水灾之后的大规模水害会增加建筑物黴菌污染的可能性。Extensive water damage after major hurricanes and floods increases the likelihood of mold contamination in buildings.

在煤矿深部高压水害隐患探测中,井下电磁法发挥着独到的作用。In the detection of deep high-pressure water hazard of coal mine, down-hole electromagnetic method plays a unique role.

煤矿突水水源的正确、快速识别是矿井水害有效防治的前提条件。Discriminating the source of coal mine water bursting source quickly and correctly is the precondition of water control.

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厦门同安西桥遭受水害,经过加固补强修复,达到原设计等级。The Tong'anxi Bridge, damaged by flooding during a storm, was reinforced and rehabilitated to its original design grade.

对于受水害威胁的矿井,防水闸墙是井下防水的主要安全设施。The water proof gate is the main safety facility against underground water to the coal mine threatened by water disaster.

近年来因各种原因,重大水害事故时有发生,造成严重的经济损失和人员伤亡。Water harms have sometimes taken place for recent years to make heavy losses of economy and calamities of injuries and deaths.