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我喜欢西湖醋鱼和东坡肉。I like West Lake Fish in Sweet Sour Source and Dongpo Pork.

而我最喜欢肉形石了,因为它就像是一块多汁的东坡肉,是我最喜欢的食物。And I like a piece of Tung-Po Meat which is my favorite food.

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东坡肉之所以美味可口主要是因为油而不腻而且还带有清酒的芬芳。It is very delicious with oily but not greasy taste and the fragrance of wine.

东坡肉是一道盛行于江浙一带并且很有名气的中国菜。Dongpo Pork is a famous Chinese dish that prevails in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

东坡肉在色泽,香气和口味上都很好,因而广受欢迎。Dongpo Pork is quite good in color, smell and taste and is favored greatly by people.

东坡肉是很受欢迎的一种特色菜,即对旅游者来说,也对当地人来说。Soysauced Dongpo Pork is a very popular specialty dish among tourists and locals as well.

东坡肉还是浙江在1956年评出的36个著名小菜之一。Dongpo Pork is one of the 36 famous Hangzhou dishes identified in 1956 in Zhejiang Province.

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具体来说,我想谈谈城际特快列车,西湖和东坡肉。To be more precise, I’m gonna talk about the intercity express train, the west lake and the soysauced Dongpo Pork.

东坡肉、叫花鸡、龙井虾仁、西湖醋鱼都是有名的菜肴。Dongpo pork, Beggar's chicken, fried shrimps with Longjing tea, and West Lake fish are among the most popular dishes.

他首先炖烂猪肉,然后加入发酵的米酒制成红烧肉,进而文化慢炖,这就是“东坡肉”的最初形态。He first braised the pork, added Chinese fermented wine and made red-braised pork, then slowly stewed it on a low heat.

酒呈深红宝石色,馥郁的黑莓果香,柔顺且丰富的香醇口感,展现其适合搭配烤牛肉、东坡肉等料理。It also exhibits rich red color and ripe black fruits aromas. Also a silky feeling in the mouth. Eat with beef, Dongpo pork.

杭州最正宗的东坡肉在西湖边上的楼外楼餐厅,每天都挤满了人。The most authentic Dongpo Pork can be served in the restaurant, Building Beyond Building, beside the west lake, it is always packed with customers.

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餐厅特式江南东坡肉、纸火锅水煮鱼球、汤泡蟹粉小笼包等,水准保证能给食客上佳享受。Dining Fine is well-know with its Stewed Soya Pork Meat, Chili Boiled Fresh Fish in Paper Hot Pot, Crab Roe and Meat Dumpling, which can fill your appetite.

众人赞扬,趣闻传开,当时向苏东坡求师就教的人中,除了来学书法的、学写文章的外,也有人来学烧“东坡肉”。Among people who went to learn from Su Dongpo, besides those who wanted to learn writing and calligraphy, there were also people who went to learn how to cook "Dongpo Meat".

东坡肉一般取用五花肉为原料,但是昨晚的宾客们吃到的是牛排肉,用最好的酱汁炖煮后,低温慢煮出细腻口感。This dish is usually made from pork belly, but last night the guests had a beefsteak instead. The meat is braised in the best soy sauce, and slow cooked to tender perfection.