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是一首披头四脍炙人口的老歌。Let It Be" is one golden oldie from the Beatles."

特利斯特拉姆和高文爵士的故事脍炙人口。Several tell of the adventures of Sir Tristram and Sir Gawin.

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伟大的哲学家柏拉图也有一些脍炙人口的爱情名言。The great philosopher Plato is also known for some of his quotations on love.

郑秀文曾出演过许多讲述他人爱情故事的脍炙人口的浪漫爱情电影。Cheng has played in many romantic films, which tell the love stories of others.

一代代学子都被要求背诵鲁迅脍炙人口的作品和词句。Generations of schoolchildren have been forced to memorise his most famous works.

唐代有许多脍炙人口的诗篇赞美黄鹤楼。During the Tang Dynasty, many popular poems were written in praise of the Yellow Crane Tower.

他长期战斗在新闻采访第一线,写出了许多脍炙人口的名篇佳作。He worked in the first-line of news gathering for a long time while wrote many well-known works.

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尽管这句老话脍炙人口,但新研究发现,它已经不再有分量。But while the old adage may trip off the tongue , according to new findings, it no longer holds weight.

虽然他的写作生涯只有15年,然而他却写出了100多篇脍炙人口的作品。Though his writing career only lasted for 15 years, he wrote over 100 works which enjoy great popularity.

两项活动受到了当地艺术家们的支持,他们对脍炙人口的可口可乐音调和音乐电视作出了自己的混音效果。Both campaigns are endorsed by local artists with their own remix of the popular Coca-Cola tone and music videos.

以牛肉丸、猪肉丸、鱼丸“三丸”和蚝烙等为代表的风味食品,脍炙人口。Local flavor foods such as beef balls, pork balls, fish balls and oyster pancakes win universal praise for Chaoshan.

“知识就是力量”,培根这句脍炙人口的格言不知激励了多少渴求知识的人。"Knowledge is power" Francis Bacon's motto of this popular incentive I do not know how many people desire knowledge.

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据“斑斓”餐馆的网站介绍,餐馆力求推出“随季节而变化的脍炙人口的新风味”。According to Colors’ website, the restaurant strives to introduce “exciting new flavors that change with the seasons.”

美食无论是中式宴会、自助餐或鸡尾酒会,均是精心制作、悉心安排、脍炙人口。Both the Chinese banquet cuisine, buffet or cocktail parties are all meticulously produced, well-arranged, celebrated.

于是写下了千古传诵,脍炙人口的佳句“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还”。So wrote a widely read through the ages, famous lines, "the Green River south bank of the spring again, when the moon as I also."

每次阅读这些脍炙人口的千古名句时,都能使我置身于春之雅境,感受到春景的美妙。Each read of well-known famous through the ages, the exposure can be make me Ya Spring environment, feel the beauty of spring scenery.

王昌龄是盛唐著名诗人,他不仅创作了大量雄浑豪迈的边塞诗和委婉含蓄的宫怨诗,而且还创作了大量内容丰富脍炙人口的送别诗。He not only wrote a large number of powerful frontier fortress poems and obscure poems, but also wrote a lot of popular farewell poems.

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美军一九一七年的那张募兵海报脍炙人口,海报上山姆叔叔摆出的姿势,就是模仿基钦纳的海报。Kitchener's poster spawned, in 1917, the famous recruitment poster for the United States army, which showed Uncle Sam in a similar pose.

超级天团ABBA乐队脍炙人口的22首经典金曲,贯穿全剧,将欢乐的人生态度传递给每一位众。The famous 22 classic music of superstar ABBA run through the whole play and it passes the optimistic attitude of life to every audience.

这儿有两个脍炙人口的小故事,足见他们之能称霸一时绝非幸致,完全是因为他们的一念之仁而得人心之故。Here are two popular anecdotes which show that it was not by luck that they were able to rule. They won people over with their humaneness.