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这是一封遮遮掩掩的化缘信吗?Was this a veiled begging letter?

不要保秘也不要遮遮掩掩。Don't keep secrets or hide behind spin.

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我们的生活也是精彩的,我们不会再遮遮掩掩了。It's a wonderful life and it's not hidden any more.

这个国度的爱势不可挡却又遮遮掩掩。This country's affection is overwhelming and furtive.

喜欢上你的肚子吧,重视它,别遮遮掩掩的。Love Your Belly Pose to emphasize your belly, not hide it.

你无法控制,而开诚布公比遮遮掩掩效果更好。You can't control, and revelation works better than concealment.

诚实地公布坏消息要好过遮遮掩掩。It's better to give bad news honestly than to try to sugarcoat it.

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但是,如果你在内容上做了很多投资,那就不需要再遮遮掩掩。But if you are making the investment in the content, do not hide it away.

那个女人在她自己心爱的人面前也用这种技巧遮遮掩掩。The woman conceals her affection with the same skill from the object of it.

没有理由说谎,也没有理由遮遮掩掩,我希望他能对我作出评判。There was no reason to lie, no reason to hold back. I wanted him to judge me.

他的作品既不遮遮掩掩,又不追求满是好词佳句的华丽。His work is not secretive, not the pursuit of gorgeous full of good word sentences.

这一对之前一直在恋爱传闻面前遮遮掩掩,最近可能终于要公开了。The pair, who have been dodging romance rumors, may have outted themselves as a couple.

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曲筱绡闻声出来,看着邱莹莹遮遮掩掩,非要一查究竟。QuXiao gauze smell come out, looked at Qiu Yingying secrecy, have to check what had happened.

宣言的遮遮掩掩在网上引起了一些很不友好的反应。The secrecy used to create the Manifesto has generated some unfriendly reactions around the web.

如果他再次出现在你的校门口你还会想遮遮掩掩的让他离你远一点吗?If he appears again in your school entrance, you will want to cover up for him to stay away from you?

周日,她在其博客上写道,“现在感觉好多了,不必说谎,不必对我关心的人遮遮掩掩。It feels so much better on this side. Not to have to tell lies, hide things from the people I care about.

现在,很多反映种族主义的作品都遮遮掩掩地通过讽刺来表达,或是是抒情意味过浓,给人无病呻吟的感觉,像气体一样无力。Much literary writing today about racism is cloaked in irony or in so much lyricism that it becomes gaseous.

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徐静蕾懂得如何利用自己的知名度和影响力进行商业运作,她并不对此遮遮掩掩或是加以粉饰。She knows how to capitalize on that perception and her influence commercially while not trying to glorify it.

要证实那个想象,要揭去那层遮遮掩掩的面纱,以求看得仔细、看个着实,就得设法去读原作。In order to find out, to tear away the bridal veil and have a good look, they must try to read the original work.

大家尴尬的用脸盆、毛巾对重要部位遮遮掩掩,厉害的还用腿夹!Everyone embarrassedly use wash basin, towel to cover up the importance part and severely still clip with the leg!