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图茨先生是穿着丧服的。Mr Toots was dressed in mourning.

在伊朗,蓝色是丧服的颜色。In Iran, blue is the color of mourning.

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在南非,红色是丧服的颜色。In South Africa, red is the color of mourning.

城里的人都注意到他的丧服,议论纷纷。This mourning was noticed in the town, and commented on.

除了一位身着寡妇丧服的妇女外,街上空荡荡的。The street was empty apart from a women in widow's weeds.

请买一件最好的礼服,一件高雅的丧服。Please buy a smashing dress, something mournful yet elegant.

他醒来,穿上丧服,回到殡仪馆。He awakened and dressed again in black and returned to the parlor.

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她丈夫去世后,她终生都穿着黑色丧服。After her husband died, she dressed in deep black for the rest of her life.

他要永远居丧,只好以夜色为丧服。As he wished always to appear in mourning, he clothed himself with the night.

姐妹们身着丧服站在死去兄弟们的棺柩旁。The sisters stood in garments of mourning over the biers of their dead brothers.

丧服是在丧葬礼俗中生者为悼念死者而穿用的一类服饰。Mourning garment is a kind of apparel which is used in funeral when people mourning for the dead.

那还是在她离开德纳第客店时他替她穿上的那身丧服。This was the same mourning suit which he had made her put on when shehad quitted the Thenardiers' inn.

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光天化日之下,在这沉默的一刹那间,斯蒂芬看到自己身穿廉价丧服,满是尘埃,夹在服装华丽的二人之间的这个形象。In the bright silent instant stephen saw his own image in cheap dusty mourning between their gay attires.

当亚庇乌斯-克劳狄乌斯被捕时,他的氏族的全体成员,包括他的私敌在内,都穿上丧服。When Appius Claudius was arrested, the whole of his gens, even those who were his personal enemies, put on mourning.

“但愿没有人去世了,”我瞥了一下他黑色的丧服说。他也低头瞧了一下围在帽上的黑纱,并回答道。I hope no one is dead, I said, glancing at his black dress. He too looked down at the crape round his hat and replied.

彩棉的种植之所以延传不断,是因为彩棉在上甲人的生活中有特殊的用途,即用以制作丧服。The colored-cotton has a long history of hundreds of years and has special use in the life, that is, to make mourning clothes.

丧服由头饰、上衣和裙、束带组成,是上甲人服装的传统式样。Mourning clothes are composed of headdress, upper outer garment, skirts and loincloth, which is traditional style in the clothes.

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这位穿著丧服的妇人在亲友的陪伴下,蹒跚地走在路上,为著她死去的儿子哀哭。Wearing clothes of mourning, the woman trudges along the road, accompanied by relatives and neighbors, as she weeps for her dead son.

马英承诺政府将帮助重建小林村,并抚慰了一些穿著丧服的死难者亲属。Mr. Ma promised government aid to help rebuild the village and consoled grieving relatives, some dressed in traditional mourning robes.

受自由平等、民权观念的影响,西式丧服逐渐成为主流的丧服形式。Fully influenced by concepts of liberty, equality and civil rights, Chinese mourning garment styles were gradually dominated by western-styles.