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我也来顶一下啦!真的是心悦诚服!I say not flatteringly but with sincere conviction.

看了他的画,我们会觉得心悦诚服。Seeing his painting, we will be sincerely convinced.

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最后,对方心悦诚服地留下了王长锁发放的小册子。Finally, the other willingly left a pamphlet issued by Wang Chang-lock.

事实上,很多事情只有当我们心悦诚服地接受,才能真正看得透。There are many things that we only truly understand through acceptance and joy.

杰甫逊的坚决与认真立刻使克莱德心悦诚服。There was about Jephson a hard, integrated earnestness which soon convinced Clyde.

一旦他在辩论中被彻底击败,就再也没有比他心悦诚服的样子更令人发笑的事情了。Nothing is more amusing than his complete submission when he has been once thoroughly beaten.

不知怎么的,我使自己相信我违反了章程,应该心悦诚服地接受处分。Somehow, I convinced myself, I had violated the code and thus would have to submit to punishment.

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我们心悦诚服地赞赏其他国家,民族的先进文化,并以博大的胸怀博采众长。We admire the advanced cultures of other nations and would like to learn from them openheartedly.

所以,人应该心悦诚服地与道配合来经营他的人生,使其得以完美幸福。Therefore, man should be sincere to go with Tao to manage his life so as to gain perfect happiness.

27对汤姆流利的书写、响亮的内容,哈克贝利心悦诚服。Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing, and the sublimity of his language.

我们认为有价值的东西人家来分享,而且分享是心悦诚服的分享。Real exchange happens when the things that we value are shared – and shared with heart-felt admiration.

“出门散步,来自惊奇的邀请”,沃兹华斯一直心悦诚服地相信这个简单真理。Wordsworth reputedly delighted in the simple truth that “going for a walk is an invitation for surprise”.

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他用做饭的道理来阐明治国的方法,心悦诚服的汤于是委他以管理国家的重任。He convinced Duke Tang of his statesmanship by comparing the running of state affairs to the art of cooking.

我们心悦诚服地赞赏其他国家、民族的先进文化,并以博大的胸怀博采众长。We could praise other countries, national advanced culture, and with the great breadth of view takes the best.

但内行的人,无不心悦诚服地从中看到了作者深厚、过硬的造型功力。But all professionals could see the profound and skilled modeling skills of the author with sincere admiration.

我对此心悦诚服,承认自己的表现一直非常马虎、很没水准,而且为日后积累了麻烦。I took it on the chin, and accepted that my performance had been sloppy, substandard and was storing up trouble for the future.

当你看到这位获得了非凡演艺成就的奥斯卡影后之后,你会心悦诚服地感到她就是我们这个时代的“蒙娜丽莎”。When you look at this award-winning actress, who's had a phenomenal acting career, you cannot argue that she is truly the Mona Lisa of our time.

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中国现代新文学作家对孔子的讨伐几乎众口一词,但林语堂却对孔子颇有好感,且有心悦诚服之意。New Chinese modern literature writers showed no difference when Konfucian was denounced, but Lin Yutang had no opinion being convinced Konfucian.

从建筑文化这些最基本要求出发,再谈其精神层面的更高属性,必然使人更加心悦诚服。Building a culture of starting from the most basic requirements, then the higher attributes of the spiritual dimension, the inevitable heightened win.

从当天的午餐时间直至第二天早晨七点,各参赛队必须要提出各种意见建议并整合成一份能让评委心悦诚服的报告书。Competing teams have from lunchtime until 7am the next day to come up with their proposals and turn them into a compelling presentation for the judges.