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他必须亲自干那事吗?Must he do it himself.

到华星来吧,亲自看看。Come Huaxing and see for.

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我会亲自来解决这个问题。I'll take-care-of the problem.

由缺德亲自带红!Personally with red by wicked!

随后他亲自参观了孤儿院。He visited the orphanage himself.

但我无法亲自视察那里.But I can't inspect it personally.

最后的测试是由出品人亲自来的。The ultimate test is the producer.

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他亲口所说的,我们都亲自听见了。We have heard it from his own lips.

欢迎到华星店亲自看一看。Welcome to Huaxin Store personally.

并且,他打算亲自重新绘制。And he intends to redraw it himself.

这一次首领决定亲自出马。Now the chief decided to go himself.

乐儿亲自给海天炖汤。Who tries to Haitian stew in person.

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所以,我要亲自检查它。So, I'm going to check for it myself.

你可以亲自到场或去信提出声请。You may apply in person or by letter.

要是换成你亲自跑到学校来问我。If you ever visit my school to ask me.

我应该亲自去看看杨忠莲。I should look at Yang Zhonglian myself.

约翰?福特亲自给我开门。John Ford himself opened to door to me.

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这是星期六那一天姨爹亲自告诉我的。My aunt told me so herself on Saturday.

我母亲病了,我只好亲自下厨。My mother was ill . I had to turn cook.

鲁国由鲁王亲自带兵迎战。The King of Lu led the army by himself.