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参差荇菜,左右毛之⑿。Nymphoides mixed vegetables, about the hair.

然而,水平参差不一的电力网还存有问题。And then there is the question of the creaking grid.

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我相信参差百态,乃是幸福的本源。I believe that the irregular phenomena is origin of happiness.

“参差的对照”使张爱玲的小说具有通俗文学的趣味,又化俗为雅,进入高雅文学的领域。It gives her novels a flavor of light literature as well as elegance.

看看这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。Noticehow cleanly this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all.

屋外,星光从一排参差的冷杉树梢上透进窗子。Outside, the stars shone through the window above a jagged row of firs.

在参差不平的房子或栅栏附近拍拍手,聆听回声。Clap your hands near a corrugated building or fence and listen to the echo.

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而在近视性屈光参差组中,二者未发现有显著性差异。The greater the anisometropia, the larger the difference of the visual acuity is.

溪岸的形势象犬牙般交错参差,无法看到水的源头。Streamside situation like fangs as crisscross varies, cannot see the water source.

对镜梳妆深浅,照看粉黛着装,参差抹泪,沾衣一缕莫白。To look after her mirror shades, dress, in tears, with a wisp of Mo white clothes.

参差错落的山峰探出海面,巨大的峭壁伸向天空。Jagged peaks thrust out of the sea, extending their massive claws towards the skies.

迢递寻真到紫坛,参差楼阁倚层峦。Tiao delivery to find true purple altar, leaning range upon range of mixed pavilion.

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北靠参差交错的岩石和松柏,东临深涧,南有浩渺无垠的大海。North rocks and pine mixed staggered east, Shen Jian, a vast expanse of the south sea.

目的探讨屈光参差对立体视功能的影响及其机制。Objective To investigate the affection of anisometropia on stereopsis and its mechanism.

凹凸参差,真假稳当,有清芬高雅之感。True and false of concave and convex jagged, secure, has the feeling of qingfen elegance.

结论弱视程度与屈光参差程度有关,与屈光参差类型无关。Conclusion The extent of amblyopia is related to extent of anisometropia but not its type.

屈光参差症可在这两类疾病中被观察到。Anisometropia could also be observed in these two kinds of congenital optic disc anomalies.

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月光下的篱笆看起来像参差起伏的山脉,那间小屋成了丛林中的一个洞穴。Moonlight made the hedge look like jagged mountains, and turned the shed into a jungle cave.

结论屈光参差性弱视治愈后的巩固是预防复发的根本。Conclusion Consolidate of anisometropia amblyopia have been cured is found to arrest palindromia.

柳树和核桃树荫护着参差的葡萄藤蔓,玉米,南瓜和土豆也在树荫下生长。Groves of willow and walnut trees sheltered pretty terraces of vines, maize, pumpkins and potatoes.