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给出浴的“芙蓉”擦干身子。Towel her dry after she showers.

冰雹摧毁了我的芙蓉花。The hailstorm destroyed my hibiscus.

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芙蓉镇笼罩在恐怖当中。Hibiscus Town were shrouded in terror.

想知道芙蓉花精是如何设宴的吗?How does the lotus fairy throw a banquet?

“是芙蓉邀请我的”克鲁姆扬起眉毛说。" Fleur invited me, "said Krum, eyebrows raised.

“芙蓉邀请我的呀。”克鲁姆扬起眉毛说。"Fleur invited me, " said Krum, eyebrows raised.

柿子饼,芙蓉汤,凉皮什么的。Persimmon cake, vegetable soup, cold noodles, etc.

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威廉姆·亚瑟,你愿意娶芙蓉·伊萨贝尔……?。Do you, William Arthur, take Fleur Isabelle . . . ?

不过我得说,要是芙蓉的话,这个目标未免也太高了点儿。But then, Fleur Delacour was really aiming a bit high.

我说那不夜莺,而是一只芙蓉鸟.that is not nightingale,but a golden orioles actually.

当年这里推窗而坐,便可览芙蓉一片。Then sit here and push window will be tabled in a Lotus.

衡山之峰七十二,奔走芙蓉尽供职。Mountain peaks of the Seventy, running Lotus worked best.

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在外婆家的门前就有一颗婀娜多姿的芙蓉树。In Grandma's in front of a hibiscus tree, there a Graceful.

多模妈妈走出芙蓉阁,遇见了正回来的丹丝兰。Multimode mom out of lotus cabinet met is back, DanSi aram.

上星期天,我带我从芙蓉来的朋友上槟城升旗山。Last Sunday, I bring my friend from Seremban to Penang Hill.

芙蓉花色的餐厅辉映花园的颜色。HIbiscus colored Dining Room echoes the colors of the garden.

这是我如何作出芙蓉花为我的夏威夷蛋糕。This is how I made the hibiscus flowers for my Hawaiian cake.

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我们也可以看到芙蓉、塞德里克和巴蒂·克劳奇。Fleur , Cedric, and Barty Crouch can be seen in the background.

还有柿子饼、芙蓉汤、凉皮什么的。There is also persimmon cake, vegetable soup, cold noodles, etc.

“谢谢你,”芙蓉生硬地说,“我相信会很美丽的。”"Thank you, " said Fleur stiffly. "I am sure zat will be lovely. "