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你的成败取决于此。Your dreams depend on it.

我来试试看看,成败在此一举。Let me try it. we will see.

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这回对他将是成败在此一举。This time he'll sink or swim.

他们得到了成败各半的机会。They got a fifty-fifty chance.

细节决定了成败。But the devil is in the details.

细节决定成败。Detail decides success or failure.

我来试试看,成败在此一举。I'll have a try, it's neck or nothing.

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我告诉他们细节决定成败。I tell them the deil is in the details.

我告诉他们细节决定成败。I tell them the devil is in the details.

我们不能以成败论英雄。We cannot measure a man by his failures.

教育事业的成败关乎国脉的盛衰。Education is the lifeblood of the country.

我认为,每个人的一生都充满着得失成败。I've had a lot of ups and downs in my life.

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不能以成败论英雄。Don't judge a person by his success or failure.

奥的斯的成败系于团队精神。The key to success for Otis is team-work spirit.

成败的可能性各半。The chances of success and failure are fifty-fifty.

成败在此一举的交易----这是一项决定成败的交易。A make or break deal – This is a make or break deal.

态度决定一切,细节决定成败。Attitude decides everything, detail makes difference.

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生命里,每一次的成败都是未来的借镜。Every failure or success is a glimpse into the future.

汗青页页,尽书胜主,成败之价,谁人乘沽Each page a victory, at whose expense the victory ball?

房地产作为一种高消费商品,购买者往往需要从多方面了解相关信息,而房地产网站成为了一个重要的渠道,房地产网站的优劣几乎可以决定房产交易的成败。Real estate is a valuable and often expensive purchase.