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二者的联系是难解难分的。The two are inextricably linked.

两军厮杀,难解难分。The two opposing armies are locked in battle.

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两个队为争夺第一名打得难解难分。The two teams are locked in a duel for first place.

话不多说,眨眼间两人连过数招,打得难解难分。Not much to say, two people blink even moves, played inextricably involved.

在令人眼花缭乱的速度和光芒中,两位原力大师打得难解难分。In a blurring tangle of speed and light, the two masters of the Force dueled.

里,双方更是唇枪舌剑,你来我挡,难解难分。In the next free debate, the two sides are more thrust, I block you, and neck.

独身汉为了避免受到一个女人的束缚,而跟一大堆女人搞得难解难分。A bachelor get tangle up with a lot a woman in order to avoid get tied up to one.

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两队都表现了出乎寻常的坚韧,比赛难解难分。The final was closely contested with both teams showing exceptional perseverance.

辩证法,不论东西方,在它产生之时,都与诡辩论有着难解难分的联系。Dialect, oriental or occidental, as it came into being, was well nigh inseparable with sophistry.

黑色喜剧一词更确切地说是把笑声和绝望难解难分地结合在一起的那种悲喜剧形式。Dark comedy refers rather to the tragicomic form in which laughter and despair are inextricably mingled.

文学与梦从一起始就难解难分,人类的文学历程在一定意义上就是梦与诗交织的过程。Literature and dreams have been inevitably connected. Human literature is a mixture of dream and poetry.

一些男孩在操场上打斗得难解难分,围观的同学看得目瞪口呆,十分惊讶。Some boys were engaged in a ding-dong battle on the playground surrounded by a circle of gaping class-mates.

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一些男孩在操场上打斗得难解难分,围观的同学看得目瞪口呆,十分惊讶。Some boys were engaged in a ding-dong battle on the playground surrounded by a circle of gaping class -mates.

但是,比赛难解难分的程度远比最终比分显示出来的要厉害。赛中,双方9次打平,6次交替领先。But it was a more closely-fought game than the final score indicates, with the game tied 9 times and the lead changing hands 6.

整个世界必须履行承诺,在减少贫穷的同时解决气候变化问题。二者的联系是难解难分的。The world must meet its commitments to achieve poverty reduction and also tackle climate change. The two are inextricably linked.

但是,比赛难解难分的程度远比最终比分显示出来的要厉害。赛中,双方9次打平,6次交替领先。But it was a more closely-fought game than the final score indicates, with the game tied 9 times and the lead changinghandsixhands6.

真伪善恶,寒香终是难解难分,更是夹在其中难以做人。True bogus good and evil, cold sweet it is be inextricably involved eventually, it is to place amid to be an upright person hard more.

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首局两人都很快进入状态,打的难解难分不相上下,比分一路胶着至10平。The first game of two people very quickly enter the condition, hits inextricably involved equally matched, score group rubber to 10 even.

而在爱因斯坦的理论里,空间和时间不单单只是难解难分紧密相连,而且其结构还由处在其中的物体所塑造。In Einstein's theories, by contrast, not only are space and time inextricably linked, but the resulting space-time is moulded by the bodies within it.

作为在去年秋天那场难解难分的重新计票风波中布什的法庭辩护律师,这位佛罗里达州塔拉哈西市的诉讼律师成了电视观众熟悉的人物。As Bush's quarterback in the Florida courts during last fall's bruising recount, the white-maned Tallahassee, Fla., litigator became a familiar figure to TV audiences.