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快告诉我内幕消息!Give me the scoop!

给我最新的消息.Bring me up-to-date.

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发给这个实例一些消息。In fact let's do it.

那消息使我们心情激动。The news excited us.

消息走漏了。The news leaked out.

这则消息是适时的。This news is timely.

我有大消息要宣布。I have some big news.

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这消息靠得住。The news is reliable.

我今天读到的这条消息。I read about it today.

那则消息使他哀痛。The news made him sad.

那条消息使我惊跳起来。That news made me jump.

而这绝非是最后一份消息。It was not the last one.

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消息不分好坏。No news are good or bad.

她听到这消息脸都白了。She go pale at the news.

这消息已透露出去了。The news has leaked out.

什么是消息解析?What is message parsing?

消息泄漏出来。Information trickled out.

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史班赛博士告诉观察员,“这是令人兴奋的消息。”It is very exciting news.

接收那条消息。It receives that message.

并非所有消息都是好消息。Not all the news is good.