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不准在公园内拾荒、行乞,衣冠不整者不准入园。Scavenging, begging, disheveled were not allowed in the park.

家庭男性成员做像拾荒这样的临时工。The male members do odd-work such as rag picking and scrap dealing.

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许多人说,拾荒老娘的照片堪称2010年最感人的照片。Many say his photos of his mother is the most moving pictures of 2010.

流浪汉在都市中移动并倚靠著拾荒以及资源回收维生。The swagman who subsists on collects recyclable goods moves in the city.

在老商船会馆附近,一个男孩正在瓦砾堆中拾荒。Near the old Merchant Shipping Hall, a boy collects scraps in the rubble.

冯英龙没想到自己拍摄的拾荒母亲照片能引起这么多人的共鸣。Feng did not expect that his photos would touch an emotional chord with so many people.

他从一个“拾荒匠”一跃而为企业家,成了百万富翁。He jumped for entrepreneur from a "glean and collect scraps man", became a millionaire.

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贾瓦人生活在一个个家庭氏族中,每个氏族都有各自的生活与拾荒领地。Jawas live in familial clans, each with distinct territories for living and scavenging.

经验类物品比如蓝田玉和拾荒大礼包将使您的人物等级升的更快。Experience items such as Jades and Gathering Bags will speed up your character leveling progress.

砂质的隧道壁侧是用从营地各处拾荒来的木条加以支撑。The sandy walls of the tunnels were shored up with pieces of wood scavenged from all over the camp.

许多人说,拾荒老娘的照片堪称2010年最感人的照片。还有人对冯英龙的勇气表示了赞赏。Many say his photos of his mother is the most moving pictures of 2010. Some viewers have praised his courage.

2007年2月冯英龙搬来和拾荒母亲一起生活后,他的想法转变了。他第一次看到了拾荒母亲的工作环境。Feng's ideas changed when he went to live with Yu in February 2007. He saw her working environment for the first time.

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2001年冯英龙的父亲去世后,于化玲便开始以拾荒为生。她想抚养冯英龙兄弟俩并供他们继续读书。Yu began her job as a ragpicker when Feng's father died in 2001. She wanted to support Feng and his brother and enable them to continue their studies.

我当然知道我的付出是微不足道的,想到今天至少拾荒的小孩老人可以有温饱的晚餐,心里就感到欣慰。I know certainly my payout is not worthy of mentioning, but at least when I think that children and elderly have a warm dinner, I feel joyful for them.

蓝田玉将增加您战斗所获得的经验,而拾荒大礼包内所包含的物品将使您足够完成所对应城镇的拾荒收集者所需要的所有内容。Jades will increase your experience gained from combat, while Gathering Bags contain enough goods to complete all the quests of a given city's Gathering Quests.

虽然是个拾荒匠,却少有穷人的心态,敢想敢做,而且有一套巧妙的办法,这种人,他难道会永远是穷人吗?Although a glean and collect scrap man, but few poor people mentality, deer think deer do, and have a clever approach, such a person, will he be always be poor ?

对于穷困潦倒的加里亚当地居民来说,偷抢煤块和去倒塌建筑里拾荒是十分危险的谋生手段。For the impoverished local residents of Jharia, stealing coal to sell and picking through collapsed buildings for salvageable material is a dangerous way of life.

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据悉,李男20年前婚变后一直靠拾荒维生,2年前遇到小黑,他们就吃家住共同,累积了很深的爱情。It is reported that Lee men divorce 20 years ago and has been living by scavenging, 2 years ago, met black, they eat together, who lives and accumulated a deep love.

在你的维持开始时,除非你从你的坟墓场将一张牌置于你的牌库底,否则牺牲拾荒蛙。At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice Anurid Scavenger unless you put a card from your graveyard on the bottom of your library. Krosa's topmost bottom feeder. Illus.

中国日报报道说,当拾荒的老太太停下来想要弄清楚孩子身份的拾荒,旁边的店员甚至对她说,少管闲事儿。China Daily claimed that the woman who stopped, a rubbish collector, was even told by shopkeepers to mind her own business when she tried to find out the child's identity.