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她用吸尘器清扫地毯。She vacuumed the carpet.

我得用吸尘器吸吸我房间了。I have to vacuum my room.

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你可以用吸尘器清扫天花板。You can hoover the ceiling.

昨天我用吸尘器清扫了房间。I vacuumed my room yesterday.

你刚杀了个吸尘器。You killed the vacuum cleaner.

先用吸尘器将地毯灰尘吸净。Clean dust with vacuum cleaner.

他用吸尘器打扫了一上午。He has been vacuuming all morning.

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吸尘器把灰尘都吸进去了。The vacuum cleaner sucked up dirt.

她今天上午用吸尘器清扫了房间。She vacuumed the room this morning.

首先,它是一台真空吸尘器。First of all, it's a vacuum cleaner.

地板已经用吸尘器清理好了。The floor has already been vacuumed.

真空吸尘器的吸力很弱。The vacuum cleaner has weak suction.

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不要胡乱使用吸尘器。Don't bang your vacuum cleaner about.

救命!这台吸尘器吸住我的脸了!Help! This vacuum cleaner sucks my face!

真空吸尘器吸起地板上的尘土。The vacuum sucked the dirt off the floor.

灰尘被吸入了吸尘器。The dust is drawn into the vacuum cleaner.

放在充电座上的手提式真空吸尘器Your hand-held vacuum in its charging station

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清洁工需要清洁剂和吸尘器。A cleaner needs a polisher and a vacuum cleaner.

把沙发坐垫拿起来,用吸尘器清洁座垫下面。Lift cushions on lounge suite and vacuum beneath.

吸尘器把地毯上的灰尘吸掉了。The vacuum cleaner took up the dirt from the rug.