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所有其它行都被忽略。All other lines were ignored.

两行都使用了正则表达式。Both lines use regular expressions.

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每行都在独立的请求中进行处理。Each row is processed in a separate request.

这些言与行都极其的重要。These words and deeds are vitally important.

为何中国的银圝行都受股市欢迎?How China's banks are welcomed in the stock market?

当过去的诸行都根除了,并且也无新的产生。When past conditioning is erased and no fresh one produced.

每个表格行都包含一个表单以删除一个单独的规则。Each row of the table contains a form to delete an individual rule.

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所有包含建议的行都用黄色突出显示。All the rows distinguished with the color yellow have recommendations.

目标表中的任何行都不会被更新或者删除多次。No row in the target table should be updated or deleted more than once.

表通常包括一个主键,该主键确保每个行都是唯一的。A table usually includes a primary key that ensures every row is unique.

袜带针后,使用所有的行都是使用一针针织。The garter stitch is used after all your rows are done using a knit stitch.

康总领事的前两次黄山之行都是以个人的名义。Consul General Camp's first two trips to Yellow Mountain were personal trips.

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数组集合包含的所有行都将显示在表中。The array collection contains as many rows as will be displayed in the table.

这些步骤描绘了主题结构的格式,所有文字行都从左边开始。These steps describe the full block format, in which all lines start at the left.

它会扫描每一个输入行,而且在大多数时间里,每个输入行都只是回显到标准输出。It scans each input line, and most of the time, each input line is simply echoed to stdout.

这些行也存在于长版本中,但是所有的冗余行都被删除了。All lines of code are present in the long version, but all redundant lines have been removed.

哪行都是这样,人们都开始留意自己是否来得够早People began, like in any business, to be attentive to whether or not they were early enough.

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我们期望确认当数据从数据库中取出时所有的行都已被锁定。We want to make sure that all the rows are locked when the data is fetched from the database.

但我们需要的是按新行分隔的平面文件,其中每行都包含一条完整的记录。What we need is a newline-delimited flat file, where each full record is contained on one line.

表中的每个行都存储一组相关数据,并且存储在行中的数据被称为记录。Each row in the table stores a set of related data and the data stored in a row is called a record.