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是什么令你心绪不安?What lets you het up?

幸福的生活存在于心绪的宁静之中。Happy life lies in a peaceful mind.

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这些日子,我的心绪很难平静。These days I can scarcely feel calm.

他的到来使她心绪不宁。His arrival put the girls in a flutter.

你处在一种因处理太多事情而导致的心绪不宁中。You're in a multi-tasking frame of mind.

我心绪不宁,我是自己心中的流浪者。I am listless, I am a wanderer in my heart.

我心绪不宁。我渴望着遥远的事物。I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things.

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我心绪不宁。我渴看着远远的事物。I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things.

所以如果在那时起来,你会感到心绪紧张。So if you get up then, you may experience tension.

是啊.不过更重要的是它能让我心绪平静.Sure.But more importantly, I can have peace of mind.

是啊.不过更重要的是它能让我心绪平静.Sure. But more importantly, I can have peace of mind.

不知为何我从此一直被这场梦弄得心绪不宁。I have been strangely annoyed by the dream ever since.

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在一个静谧四起的夜晚,宁静的氛围引出了我的思乡心绪。In this quiet of the night, the hush drived me homesick.

这儿有些方法能帮助你改善你的心绪。There are some things that may help you lift up your mood.

事情发生得如此快,以致玛丽心绪烦乱。Things happened so fast that Mary was at sixes and sevens.

B度过了一个心绪不安的夜晚,床边的收音机哑然无声。B passed a disturbed night, with the radio mute beside his bed.

只定还会有第四件扰乱着他心绪的事情,但时至今日他还不得而知。There was to be a fourth thing, but as yet he knew nothing of it.

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只有万籁俱静的时刻,心绪才会欢快的跳跃。All sounds are still only moments, the mood will be cheerful jump.

焦虑令我们心绪不宁,妨碍我们找到解决问题的办法。It steals our peace of mind and prevents us from finding solutions.

青涩、未尽成熟的时期,心绪浅淡、思想病态的日子。A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.